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Big Love is a drama on HBO about a Mormon family in Utah that definitely believes in polygamy.  The show stars Bill Paxton as Bill Henrickson and his three wives, Barbara (Jeanne Tripplehorn), Nicki (Chloe Sevigny), and Margene (Ginnifer Goodwin).
The show also focuses on their family of a combined eight children across the wives.  The families live in three neighboring houses and the show is into its third season.

By TV Fanatic Staff

The Big Love finale has come and gone. In a subsequent interview, creators Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer addressed the decisions they made.

By Carissa Pavlica

The series came to a close on this week’s episode, “When Men and Mountains Meet.” Read our full recap to find out what happened.

By Carissa Pavlica

Alby is on the run and has one target in mind: to kill Bill. Meanwhile, Nikki will stop at nothing to keep Cara Lynn away from Greg.

By TV Fanatic Staff

The Henricksons must fend off a threat from Alby this week, while Barb and Bill argue over her new church’s views on polygamy. Elsewhere, Margene vows reimburse Pam for her Goji investment.