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Matlock is a legal drama series that premiered on CBS in September 2024. The show stars Kathy Bates as Madeline “Matty” Matlock, a seasoned attorney who reenters the workforce at a prestigious law firm. Using her unassuming demeanor and sharp intellect, she tackles complex cases and uncovers internal corruption. The series offers a fresh take on the classic 1980s show by introducing a female lead and weaving in a compelling overarching mystery.

Set in New York City, Matlock delves into themes of justice and personal redemption. The ensemble cast includes Skye P. Marshall as Olympia Lawrence, a junior partner at the firm; Jason Ritter as Julian, a senior partner; David Del Rio as Billy Martinez; and Leah Lewis as Sarah Yang, both first-year associates.

The series has been praised for its engaging storytelling and Bates’s compelling performance. Reflecting its positive reception, it has been renewed for a second season.

Matlock airs on CBS and can be streamed on Paramount+.

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By Joshua Pleming

Everything comes to a head when the stress of Madeline’s plan makes her consider giving up. Read the Matlock Season 1 Episode 6 Review here!

By Joshua Pleming

A case against the prison system hits close to home for Matty when its lead plaintiff relapses. Read the Matlock Season 1 Episode 5 Review!