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Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7 Finally Delivered The Connor Story I’ve Been Waiting For

Critic's Rating: 4.7 / 5.0

Who says comedies don’t have substance anymore?

Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7 had a lot of heart. It perfectly blended comedy and drama while telling an emotional and relatable story.

Even better, it gave Connor something more to do than pass through the kitchen, making quirky demands that everyone rolled their eyes at. He’s not the butt of jokes anymore — he’s finally a full-fledged character with hopes, dreams, and frustrations with his relationships with his parents.

Georgie intrudes on Connor's space in his garage studio on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

I’m not exactly sure why Georgie and Jim decided to take a road trip.

It had something to do with that Mustang they were trying to fix, but I missed what it was.

Whatever their mission was, they didn’t accomplish it on-screen, but that’s okay. The point of the road trip was for Connor to discover an ally in Georgie.

I could relate to Connor’s frustration with his parents.

Jim hadn’t tried to steer Connor toward a job or career path that might interest him; he just assumed that because Connor is different (aka neurodivergent in the 1990s), he’d never be able to support himself.

The good news for Connor is that the Internet revolution is just around the corner, which will lead to all sorts of jobs that weren’t possible before, so he may be able to carve out a career path by the time he’s in his mid-30s.

Connor serves Jim who looks irritated on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

Of course, if he’s working from home online, his parents might not have any idea what he’s doing and continue to worry about what will happen to him after they’re gone, but at least he’ll have options that he doesn’t have now.

I totally get where they’re coming from, but I also strongly relate to how Connor felt.

I’ve been on the receiving end of conversations like that.

Even though the people who are worried are well-meaning, the inadvertent message is that you’re broken in some unnameable way because you aren’t able to do things the way you’re “supposed” to.

Jim is annoyed with Conner who is working in a diner on Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

In the 1990s, Connor’s parents may have been aware he was different in some ways, but it’s unlikely they’d realize he was autistic or otherwise neurodivergent.

That makes it even more frustrating. When you’re expected to understand things that you just don’t understand because your brain is wired differently, you feel like there’s a code to success that you can’t crack and begin to wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

(This is also likely why Young Sheldon had Sheldon be evaluated and determined to be neurotypical when he very clearly is not — there wasn’t nearly as much awareness about autism then, and anyone who was able to communicate verbally was assumed to be neurotypical even if they were “weird.”)

Connor wanted so badly for his father to be proud of him or at least happy with him that he took his instructions to get a job literally and tried to become the busboy in the diner they stopped to eat at. Then, he was confused about why that wasn’t an acceptable solution.

Jim and Georgie look under the hood of the old Mustang on Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc/Troy Harvey)

Georgie’s Acceptance Of Connor Came From Growing Up With Sheldon

Georgie had a rough time growing up with Sheldon. He was pegged as the “stupid brother” while everyone made a big deal out of Sheldon’s intelligence, so it’s natural that he didn’t try to understand what it was like for Sheldon to be so different than most people.

He told Mandy he regretted not trying to understand, and though he didn’t want to pick up the phone and rectify that situation, it made him try harder with Connor.

That was why Connor shocked Audrey by saying that Georgie was a “great person.”

Georgie didn’t think Connor wearing headphones to block out the world while on the road trip was weird or unacceptable. While Jim saw that as yet another reason Connor was impossible to relate to, Georgie saw that was just Connor being Connor.

Jim coming into the shop with a big grin on his face on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7 Made It Clear What Audrey’s Real Problem Is

The scenes with Audrey and Mandy helped humanize Audrey.

She doesn’t like Georgie for the same reason that All In The Family‘s Archie Bunker didn’t like his son-in-law: she sees Georgie as an obstacle to her child having the life she deserves and a loser who can’t support his family on his own.

Audrey’s surprising dream of getting involved in politics never came true, so she wants Mandy to have the freedom to make her own dreams into realities. Having a baby young and being tied to an even younger father wasn’t supposed to be part of the plan.

Ironically, Audrey didn’t understand why Mandy wanted gender-neutral decorations for CeeCee’s nursery even though Mandy only wanted CeeCee to grow up to realize she could become whoever and whatever she wanted to become.

Audrey and Mandy have this in common, but Mandy is so busy resisting Audrey’s ideas about what her life should be like, and Audrey is so busy imposing her opinions that neither one of them realizes it.

Baby CeeCee standing up in the crib and staring at her parents in bed on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

Despite Heavy Themes, Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7 Was Hilarious

The best thing about “An Old Mustang” was that it had heart and substance without losing sight of the fact that it’s supposed to be a comedy.

Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7 had several hilarious moments.

Audrey: The first night you slept in your own room, I cried.

Mandy: You did no.

Audrey: Of course I did. You were my sweet little angel and I loved you. Then you learned to talk and ruined everything.

There were some great one-liners and jokey conversations, but my favorite was the sequence in which Georgie negotiates a higher price for the water pump than Jim had planned on paying, unaware that the “other guy” he is competing with is Jim.

The two of them screwed themselves out of the original, low price with all that unnecessary negotiation, and I couldn’t stop laughing about it.

Mandy is irritated with Jim and Georgie who are sitting in the car on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

Random Thoughts

  • It really is a shame that Georgie and Mandy will eventually break up. Georgie seems such an important part of the McAllister family that I feel Jim and Connor should get him in the eventual divorce.
  • No Ruben on Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7. I didn’t miss him.
  • The laugh track/studio audience seemed muted today, which made it much more tolerable.
  • I almost forgot this takes place in the 1990s and was confused by Audrey’s description of Friends until I remembered.
Jim leaning on the phone receiver and smiling on Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Season 1 Episode 7
(2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./Troy Harvey)

Over to you, Georgie & Mandy fanatics!

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Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage airs on CBS on Thursdays at 8/7c and on Paramount+ on Fridays. It returns with all new episodes on January 30, 2025.

Watch Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Online


Friday 13th of December 2024

This episode showed how hard Georgie is trying to be a friend to Connor and be accepted by the rest of the family. Georgie is immature and has a lot of growing to do, but he's determined to be the best husband to Mandy and daddy to CiCi. I hope this shows stays around for a long time!


Friday 13th of December 2024

I still think Georgie and Mandy are going to get back together in the end, I think they’re too important to each other not to. And people who are divorced can get back together. Young Sheldon never shied away from altering details from TBBT to give the characters a better story and I don’t see why Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage wouldn’t follow a similar beat.

Carissa Pavlica

Friday 13th of December 2024

And we know that they get married again or it wouldn't be called their first marriage. The title suggests it's their first but not last marriage to each other. Not a bad idea for a long-lasting show.

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