Well, that was a letdown.
“When Men and Mountains Meet,” had some shocking scenes, but overall I felt disappointed with how the show ended. This was the final episode, after all, and I felt that the writers held out in some areas, while rushing to complete other storylines. Case in point:
It was left for us to believe that Lois is killed by Frank.

Throughout the years, Frank and Lois had been each other’s worst nightmare, but as the series dwindled down, they became closer than ever. Lois made Frank promise to end her life when things got really bad, but I was shocked to actually see him go through with it. I felt that the writers needed to prove that Lois and Frank really loved each other so very much after all, but really it just made these characters past interactions seem fake.
I knew that Carl would play a role larger than the minor cameos we had been given, but it wasn’t until the final scene with Bill meeting him in the street that I knew what was going down. The writers added a layer here primarily for shock value because we all knew it was Alby that we expected to be holding that gun.
Speaking of Alby, besides the quick mention of him and Adaleen, we never got to see any closure to his story.
How much time will Alby spend behind bars? What will happen to Juniper Creek? Who became the new prophet in his absence? It was odd that the writers would leave his storyline filled with so many holes and unanswered questions.
Barbara’s mission to become a priesthood holder almost tore the entire family apart. It took finally getting the chance to have the power she so desperately wanted for her to realize that it wasn’t worth a dime without her family being there.
Out of all that happened on the finale, having Bill request Barb give him a dying blessing was by far the most memorable scene.
He knew how important it was for her to be taken seriously, especially by him, and this action caused quite the reaction as we found out eleven months later that Barb took over Bill’s church. In an odd way, Barb finally got the freedom in her religion for which she yearned.
Margene figured out that her life’s purpose wasn’t just to be Bill’s third wife. She mentioned to him that as time passes she would want to go on missions to help the poor and unfortunate. At first, we watched Bill struggle with this idea, but eventually he was willing to accept her life’s choice. He even told Nikki to be supportive.
Margene was by far my favorite character, but I wasn’t happy to learn that after eleven months after Bill died she cut off all her hair and left her children to go help others. A part of me believed that if Bill were alive, he wouldn’t want the mother of his children to be gone for such long periods of time.
Elsewhere, Nikki didn’t get any closure. She remained same old Nikki throughout. Maybe the writers were trying to show that she was the glue that held this crazy family together.
Cara Lynn was completely absent in the final minutes, only leaving us to guess where she could be. The meeting that Bill had with Cara Lynn was super strange and felt like he was trying to show her that he was okay wither her relationship with her teacher.
We all knew something had to happen before Bill got rushed off to jail and dethroned from the senate, but I wasn’t expecting him to open up a can of worms about making polygamy legal. It was strange to watch him be so proud of what he created by imagining himself speaking to his forefathers. The writers never let us know what he was writing on his patio, nor if anything ever happened with the amendment.
As great as it was to see Sarah and her beau, whatever happened to Joey and Wanda? What about Tinny? All season long these people remained MIA, but I was certain that they would have made a cameo for the finale. Oh well. I guess the writers didn’t deem them worthy enough for the send off.
It was sad to say goodbye to such a beloved show, but I am happy that it ended with the sister-wives together and the original song revamped and sung by a woman. God only knows what we’ll be without you, Big Love.