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Lovecraft Country Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: Jig-a-Bobo

Throngs of blacks, including Ruby, Diana, Tic, Leti and Montrose, gather to say goodbye to Emmet Till, aka Bobo, who was lynched in Mississippi. Then Diana disappears. Captain Lancaster confronts Diana as he looks for Hippolyta and puts a curse on D. Ji-Ah is waiting at the boardinghouse when Leti arrives there. Tic goes to a cemetery where he meets up with Christina at her family crypt. He offers her the orrery key in exchange for her teaching him to cast a spell. Christina as William rescues Ruby from a confrontation, then they have violent sex. Tic returns home to find Leti and Ji-Ah together. Diana sees girl monsters who are stalking her. Ji-Ah tells them she's a succubus. Tic sends her away and runs after Leti. After they argue, he stalks off to cast a spell. Ruby unloads on Christina about how she feels following Bobo's murder. Still pursued by monsters, D goes to Leti's house looking for Tic, but discovers Woody parked there instead. Montrose informs Tic that he never cheated on Dora. Tic tells Montrose that Leti's pregnant. Tic shows Montrose the paperback Lovecraft Country, written by Tic's son George. Leti offers Christina negatives of Titus's pages if she'll makes Tic invulnerable. Christina makes Leti invulnerable instead. Diana tails Lancaster. From George's book, Tic determines that Christina will sacrifice him to become immortal. Lancaster informs D that he'll remove the curse from her if she brings him the orrery but she refuses. Montrose and Tic try casting a spell. Christina pays two men to violently kill her. Then she's resurrected. Leti and Ruby confess to each other. Lancaster tries to search Leti's house but the ward keeps him out. The invisible monsters get to Diana. The monster Tic's spell summoned wipes out the shooting cops, including Lancaster.

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