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Lisey’s Story Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Now You Must Be Still

Lisey arrives at Boo'ya Moon. She retrieves the syringe of ketamine from Paul's grave. She sets down the shovel next to two RC Cola bottles. She immerses herself in and drinks from the healing waters. Amanda and Scott are there and see her. A healed Lisey spots them both when leaving the water. Lisey holds up a note to Amanda asking if she still wants to come home. Amanda says yes but Lisey is unable to bring home yet. Darla stops by with all the weapons she found at Amanda's house. Lisey tells Darla she could be an anchor and Lisey looks at her like she's crazy. Lisey vanishes back to Boo'ya Moon when Darla turns around. She picks a flower and returns as a demonstration for Darla, who is resistent. Lisey calls Dashmiel threatening to sue him unless he gets Dooley to come to Scott's study that night while telling the police Dooley has left town. She also leaves a message for Dooley on Scott's recorder. Lisey attempts to explain to Darla how Boo'ya Moon works without much success. They go to visit Amanda. Lisey figures out that Scott supplied water from Boo'ya Moon while kissing Amanda to bring her back last time. So Lisey does the same and returns her. The sisters hug. They convince Dr. Alberness to discharge Amanda. Amanda breaks down in the car. Lisey catches her up on the ride home. Darla realizes that Dooley was in Amanda's house when she visited. Darla threw Amanda's gun in the river. The sisters agree to kill Dooley. Dooley retrieves Lisey's message. He sees Lisey release Officer Beckman from guard duty. The sisters make plans for that evening. Dooley thinks they're making fun of him. 

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