Attorney Leslie Abramson and her team search for evidence of the sexual assault alleged by Lyle and Erik. Erik freely talks about what his father did to him, while Lyle resists. Eventually Lyle confesses that he was molested by his mother. Leslie goes to Erik's teachers and Kitty Menendez's therapist, looking for corroboration of the brothers' accusations. Everyone exclaims that they were not told of any abuse.
The police find Erik's car in New Jersey, but there is no evidence present in the vehicle. Judalon Smyth continues to push her version of the story in the media. She states that she personally heard Erik and Lyle confess. After a series of appeals, the courts allow Judalon and Dr. Oziel's sealed testimonies to be opened. Attempting to defend himself against Judalon's allegations, Dr. Oziel refutes the statements of his former lover.
Meanwhile, Lyle and Erik believe it best to confess to their loved ones. They tell their family and girlfriends about committing the murders, and being victims of abuse. After realizing that the brothers killed their parents, Kitty's side of the family seeks control of the estate. Not all of the family is ready to shun Erik and Lyle, as two cousins come forward and confirm that Erik and Lyle were sexually assulated by their parents.
Leslie, realizing that these statements alone will not be enough, pushes Erik and Lyle to come completely clean about why they chose to murder their parents. Erik says he feared or his life. Lyle finally reveals that he was also assaulted. Further, the team uncovers pornographic pictures of the brothers as children, taken by their parents. Using a combination of the evidence, Leslie creates a theory of self-defense for Erik and Lyle.