The episode opens with Gala hiding money by strapping it to her body underneath her dress.
Twenty-four hours earlier, she's dress shopping with a friend, complaining about her life and possibly having a midlife crisis.
Later, she is at a party celebrating the opening of her new wine store. While waiting for her husband to arrive, she is approached by two large men who tell her that her husband owes them fifteen million dollars.
Back at their penthouse, Gala's husband informs her that he borrowed money that he can't pay back and that she needs to go on the run and leave New York City.
The next day, Gala packs her bag and money before escaping the hitmen waiting for her in the parking garage.
In a hurry, she gathers her mother, Julia, and daughter, Kate, claiming she is taking them on an impromptu girl's trip to visit her mother's old town where she grew up in Spain.
Without any credit cards, Gala has to buy an old car from a stranger, but on the road to La Muga, the woman accidentally hits a tractor delivering grapes.
After a heated argument, the driver, Amat, offers to give them a ride after he realizes that their car no longer works after the accident.
On her way into town, Gala discovers that the house she thought belonged to her mother was sold to Amat, who declares it his, and that the women must find shelter elsewhere.
They try to visit Julia's sister, Mariona, but she turns them away at the door before Gala confesses part of the truth to her mother and daughter, leaving out the part involving the hit men.
Gala decides to break into Amat's house, claiming it belongs to her, but he calls the police, and the women spend the night in jail.