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Justified: City Primeval Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: The Question

The Albanians take Raylan and Clement to Skender’s panic room where Carolyn is waiting. Clement thinks she’s still on his side. She reminds Toma they had a deal. Toma takes the notebook off of Clement and has his goons march him into the panic room. They destroy the internal controls for the door, knocking out the power.

Clement makes comments about heading down to Tampa. Raylan shuts the door. Clement protests. Toma cautions him it might start to smell around here after a few weeks, but points out this is the best solution for everyone. He gives Raylan the notebook and his sidearm back.

Left alone in the dark, Clement uses a lighter to find a lantern and then takes stock of what’s in the room with him. He starts to trash the place.

Meanwhile, Carolyn and Raylan sit in a booth at an Irish pub considering their next steps. Carolyn invites him over but he says he has to deal with some things first.

In the morning, Raylan follows Bryl and Robinson to Downey’s home where they tell her they need to talk.

In Lansing, Carolyn visits the Lieutenant Governor. She pitches herself as the best candidate to take over for Judge Guy. When the Lieutenant Governor comments that the process of selecting a replacement is complicated, Carolyn warns her to warn her boss not to nominate among his inner circle, especially Diane Rogers.

At the police station, Downey is questioned as to why her name is in the judge’s book. She stands firm that she’s done nothing wrong and they have nothing to charge her with.

Outside the Internal Affairs meeting, Robinson and Bryl discuss how they can nail Mansell. Raylan excuses himself and heads out to get some rest.

Raylan goes to Carolyn’s where he scrubs her back while she’s in the tub. She tells him she hates the house because it was Jamal’s dream but the tub was hers.

Raylan isn’t able to sleep and gets out of bed. Carolyn wakes up. She realizes he’s decided to go back and free Clement and arrest him properly.

He arrives back at the panic room and is shocked by what he finds.

Flashback two hours: At the Venus, Skender is frustrated with his situation. He wants to kill Clement. One of the Albanian goons gives him a gun and tells him where to find Clement.

Skender takes a taxi to the panic room, opens the door, and gets jumped by Clement who beats him to death.

In the present, Raylan calls Carolyn to warn her to get out of the house. He then calls Bryl to warn him that Clement is on the move and probably going after the Albanians at the Venus.

Clement enters the Venus and kills everyone he comes across. After killing Toma, he’s searching his desk for weapons and cash and an elderly resident comes in with a gun trained on him. He can’t pull the trigger though and Clement doesn’t shoot him. Instead, he takes the old man’s gun and thanks him.

Raylan walks into Carolyn’s house. Bryl calls him to let him know the police were too late getting to the Albanians. Carolyn’s at a gas station and checks the time. 12:13. She mutters about Raylan and drives home.

Raylan is waiting when Clement breaks a window to get into Carolyn’s house. Clement goes to get a beer and Raylan follows him into the kitchen. Clement asks him if he likes music because he’s heard his own father was a great musician and believes he inherited his talent. Raylan doesn’t want to hear about this and Clement says he’s heading out but has something for Raylan to remember him by. He reaches into his pocket and Raylan fires three shots, killing him.

Clement is shocked at being shot. He asks Raylan why and shows him the demo tape he was reaching for.

Carolyn walks in just then and calls the morgue.

Six weeks later, Raylan attends a retirement for his Florida chief, Dan Grant.

Afterwards, Raylan approaches Grant. Grant congratulates him and offers to recommend him for the chief position he’s vacating. Raylan tenders his resignation and hands in his badge.

Raylan’s painting his house when a parcel arrives from Carolyn. She’s now a judge in Detroit. He’s reading a note from her when a car’s screeching wheels and a horn get his attention. Willa drives up with Winona.

He tells them he retired. Winona’s shocked and wants to talk to him alone.

He takes Willa for a day on a boat that was seized from a drug dealer. They make plans to learn to drive the boat so they can get one to live on together one day.

In the Tramble Penitentiary in Kentucky, Boyd Crowder bids his inmate friends goodbye as he’s being transferred to a hospital for tests to see what is causing his decline in health.

He is taken into custody by Officers Ramirez and Gerret for the transfer. Once they’re out of the penitentiary and on the highway, Crowder starts yelling and pounding on the walls of the transport cell. Gerret’s annoyed and pulls off the road to deal with him.

Ramirez opens the door and tells Crowder he’s in for it now. Crowder doesn’t think so as Gerret pulls a weapon on Ramirez. Gerret and Crowder are intimately acquainted.

They leave Ramirez locked in the transport and walk to a getaway vehicle to change their clothes and have sex. They decide to head for Mexico.

On the Miss Ethel, Raylan’s falling asleep. Willa asks if they’re going to talk about why he quit. He’s willing to talk about it. Just then, he receives a text alert of an inmate escaping from Tramble Penitentiary.

He ignores it and gives his attention back to Willa. Then his phone starts ringing. Call display says it’s the Marshal's office. He lets it ring.

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