On Insecure Season 3 Episode 6, Issa aims to get back on her feet, but she's swept back under when she bumps into Lawrence.
Insecure really did just successfully pull off one of the greatest tricks of all time — making us all think Lawrence was gone for good and throwing him back into the fray!
I hope you were surprised by the end of Insecure Season 3 Episode 5 because I sure was. I didn't see it coming at all and was honestly a little disappointed that he wasn't coming back, but there he was!

It's little tricks that these that retain my faith in Insecure, especially these recurring plot points that mimic life in a "life-imitates-art-imitates-life" kind of situation.
I even thought Dro was gone for good without a trace, but of course, he's at Tiffany's baby shower, and Molly must deal with the consequences.
Issa: Ooh! what if I did a New Orleans theme! You think the city would just turn a blind eye to people drinking in the street?
Moly: No girl. That’s how you get arrested.
🔗 permalink: No girl. That’s how you get arrested.
It's great to even see other characters like Chad and Issa's brother thrown into the mix, even as comedic relief. It's nice to see Keli finally get a bit of plot, especially with her cupcakes and emotional relationship with Tiffany, but the other characters can afford to be tossed in from time to time.
Kelli: Do these cupcakes say “Congratulations on your light-skinned baby”? Right? Cause it’s all light. Every layer is light.
🔗 permalink: Do these cupcakes say “Congratulations on your light-skinned baby”?
Issa and Lawrence's conversations have felt extremely genuine, even if neither of them is really telling the truth about how they're doing. It definitely seems like there's something brewing down inside.

Did anyone catch the comment about Issa loving Lawrence forever? It still seems like Lawrence has similar feelings.
Now, the fact that Nathan is no longer messaging seems too suspicious to be coincidental. It's possible that something happened with Lyft, or Nathan isn't everything that he seems. It doesn't seem to be tied with Lawrence at all, although it's still possible.
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It would be nice to see Molly work out her issues with her therapist or other people like she was supposed to this season instead of going around in the same circles as the last one.
Kelli: The point is, you are single. You are VERY single. You are so single that a tumbleweed just rolled out of your pussy.
🔗 permalink: You are so single that a tumbleweed just rolled out of your pussy.
Molly is still struggling, and although her story continues to be compelling, it's getting lazier and lazier. She falls into the same traps with Dro and refuses to date out of a bounded box despite encouragement.
It's also nice to see her workplace storyline still ever so slightly touched on even if it's in passing. It's also interesting to see a more humanized side of the girls in this episode instead of just humorous scenes.

Centering the episode around one major event helped to focus the plot even when there are many characters at play. There wasn't too much switching between locations or themes, which avoided messiness in a 30-minute episode.
Tiffany's confrontation with Molly, Issa, and Kelli, is extremely emotionally raw and almost frightening at times. Considering the close friendship of the friends, it was a harsh moment of reality that cut deeper than much of the entire season.
Issa: Kelli, shut up! You dont even go to church.
Kelli: I go on important days! Like when I come back from Miami—the Lord knows I get turnt!
🔗 permalink: Like when I come back from Miami—the Lord knows I get turnt!

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Now, the fact that Lawrence's side of the story was shown makes me think that Lawrence is potentially back in Issa's life. The cold open montage was utterly priceless, and Lawrence at his core is a fascinating, empathetic character.

However, goading from his friends could also potentially bar a reunion with Issa even if he does want it. Issa's friends would also 100% dissuade her from getting back together.
Yet, her hesitation with Nathan makes me think that her connection with Lawrence (five years is a long time!) is not something that can be unbroken, and something like this should be honored.
Issa: I don’t know what you just said, but do you know who does? God.
🔗 permalink: I don’t know what you just said, but do you know who does? God.
Right when we think that Insecure is going down a comfortable path, the show throws a wrench in the entire system — and that comes in the form of Lawrence.

It's brilliant and crafty and completely unexpected, but also makes total sense — something that a show should do and a great show does. I'm still reeling from the fact that HBO hid this so well from essentially everyone.
The fact that the show largely hinges upon romantic relationships to create twists and turns, it's almost impossible to imagine where a new Lawrence plot will go. However, I have faith in the Insecure writers to come up with something fresh.
Lawrence also cut ties with all the other women he slept with, which means that he might even be ready for something serious. Whether this will be impeded by other factors or not — only time will tell.

Make sure to watch Insecure online and catch up on Issa, Molly, and Lawrence!
Do you think Issa and Lawrence are really done for good? How do you think Molly will react to Candice's pregnancy? Let us know in the comments below!