On Insecure Season 3 Episode 7, Issa goes above and beyond her usual antics to search for Nathan, but he's simply gone.
It's one of those frustrating things in life. Why do men do that? Nathan has literally disappeared off the face of the Earth. However, it seems like Issa really did care about him, or at least minded enough to see where he went.
Issa is put into a bit of a frenzy that we've never seen previously, which becomes both amusing and a little obnoxious. We know that Issa is better than this and yet she's put back into bad patterns.

Issa: Girl, what is so crazy about buying fake desserts to bring to Andrew so I can see if Nathan’s home?
🔗 permalink: Girl, what is so crazy about buying fake desserts to bring to Andrew?
Similarly, Molly falls into her same old traps as she self-sabotages opportunities that are going so well for her. After hitting it off with Andrew, she just has to make sure that she's not happy.
In many ways, it seems like she's simply just not over Dro — which is understandable. However, this remains undiagnosed and Molly thus falls again and again into the same situations.

Her work life isn't helping either, even if she did well on the presentation. With Molly, it's often one step forward, two steps back. She's absolutely amazing but habits and self-critical behavior launch her into a position of denial and doubt.
With Issa, it's the opposite problem — she's too forward. Issa going as far as trying to break into Nathan's computer honestly feels on-brand with Issa's level of commitment and passion.
Issa: Or what about when you told Nathan all those weird facts about camels? Damn, I forgot about that.
🔗 permalink: Damn, I forgot about that.
It's a bit of a bizarre move, but all things considered, she's desperate for anything on Nathan at all.
Now let's consider Lawrence. Lawrence and Issa had a five-year relationship, but so much is brewing underneath the surface that it's nearly incomprehensible.

Every moment they have together feels so alive and so full of untapped potential that even a second without them interacting beyond cordial behavior feels wrong.
Something drives me to want them back together even if that's dangerous. Maybe it's the dynamic that was forged in previous seasons, or maybe it's just something about their two characters.
They're both strong, likeable characters, even if they have flaws. They work well together and they had for a long time.
Issa: I hope we didn’t wake you guys up!
Andrew: At 6 pm?
🔗 permalink: I hope we didn’t wake you guys up!
But more often than not, Insecure takes the reality of life and slaps it on everything. It's not always going to be happy, and Insecure has shown that. Issa and Lawrence may never end up together.
Similarly, Molly may never get her happy ending with her job (but let's hope she does with her love life). It's all a complicated path, full of twists and turns, and Insecure displays it to its fullest.
Even seeing Lawrence attempt to go to church and find himself is a bit heartwarming, even if he can't enjoy or get anything out of it. Attempting to reflect is a solid first step.

Issa, however, is not on the same page. As she obsesses over Nathan, it grows increasingly unhealthy (the tooth dream, anyone?) and to a point somewhat agitating to the viewer.
However, in viewers of the same age range, maybe this is a common behavior and a relatable one, too. Insecure has the unique ability to hit us all in the face with what we don't want to see about ourselves and young adult life.
Lawrence: That was actually my last meeting.
Issa: You have time for coffee?
🔗 permalink: You have time for coffee?
I also feel bad for Andrew. He's a nice guy, trying his best and really hitting it off with Molly. He ends up getting the short end of the stick in more ways than one when Molly is upset and Issa tries to find out Nathan's whereabouts.
Hopefully Andrew gets a bit of redemption and Nathan gets a bit of a punishment for his behaviors this episode. Even though Issa cut him out, it's likely that they'll meet again or something else will happen.
Besides, Lawrence and Issa still aren't back together, and who knows if they consciously want to. Lawrence is still recovering from a long line of lovers in the recent past, and Issa is trying to make it through Nathan.
Maybe what they need is each other and they just don't know it yet. I'm holding out for this hypothesis in the season finale next week, but who knows if it'll come true.

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Make sure to watch Insecure online as well as the season finale next week!
What did you think of this episode? Do you think Issa and Lawrence will get together? Will Molly finally get some stabillity in her life? Let us know in the comments below!