More wrenches in the plan.
On Hunters Season 2 Episode 4, the team is so close yet far from finding Hitler, who, without their knowledge, has already found them.
In the past, Meyer finds two more hunters while Clara, Jonah, and Chava have a family dinner.

All the hunters are finally back together as they reunite with Joe, but the reunion is not how they expected it to go.
Travis and Joe ambushed them, leaving one dead, one injured, and one taken.

The hunt for the Fuhrer proved to be an uphill task. Before getting to him, there were so many people to go through. A train ticket in The Crow's bag leads them to someone with close ties to Hitler, where he might be hiding.
Assignments were given to different members, and the latest grouping saw Roxy and Lonny close. Roxy learned of Lonny's casual drug use. On confronting him, he revealed that it was his way of coping with her leaving.
Roxy: Do you know what I am putting on the line to be here? What I am risking? Why’d you even fucking come to Argentina?!
Lonny: Because of you, huh. Because you were coming! And I started with this shit when you left, okay?! Okay?!
🔗 permalink: Because of you, huh. Because you were coming! And I started with this shit when you left,…
The Colonel sent Travis and Joe to find the hunters, but Travis had concerns about Joe backsliding from the brainwashing when he saw the hunters. The Colonel was quite confident in her skills.
Jonah's worlds collided when his real life — whichever that is — bled with his fake life. Was what he has with Clara the real thing, and hunting is a side gig, or was hunting his real persona and his perfect life with Clara a front?

This hypothesis was tested when Clara showed up in Argentina demanding answers. She is intelligent, but I doubt she is smarter than Jonah, who managed to live a double life right under her nose.
In this latest development, he convinced her by employing a common tactic liars, cheaters, and politicians use; telling half-truths.
Clara: Who’s Millie, Sam? Are you in love with her?
Jonah: She’s an FBI agent.
Clara: An FBI agent?
Jonah: She investigated my grandmother’s murder. I flew to Los Angeles to see her because I found something about someone… Someone I had been looking for for a long time. And that person is here in Argentina.
Clara: Who?
Jonah: My grandmother’s sister Chava. My safta thought that she was the only one in her family who survived the war. Well, it turns out, I was doing my thesis research, and I came across the name of a survivor: Chava Apfelbaum.
🔗 permalink: Chava Apfelbaum.
Technically, he didn’t lie to her. He had been looking for family, that is true. He found his family in Argentina; that was also true. But the lie is that he had been looking for and found his aunt. She found him.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, Clara did due diligence and demanded to meet the said Aunt and confirm everything herself.
Chava's advice was sound. But love doesn't listen to reason. So, Chava decided to play the dotting auntie just for the night. Or did she?

From early on, she tried to egg Clara into letting something out that could end the relationship between her and Jonah.
When all didn't work, she set a plan that exposed Jonah's real identity to Clara. There was no way Jonah could lie his way out of that one. It was either admitting that he's a Nazi or he hunts Nazis.
I'm sure she was expecting the truth, but this was not what she had in her wildest dreams.
Chava: That is precisely what we do. We hunt Nazis and we rid them from this Earth. If Clara is to be family, she has a right to know what the family business is, Jonah. His name is Jonah, as in “and the whale.” Jonah Heidelbaum.
🔗 permalink: That is precisely what we do. We hunt Nazis and we rid them from this Earth. If Clara is to…
In the past, Meyer's team has two new members. He employed his cunning to try and get both Lonny and Sister Harriet on his team.

Lonny was always a lost soul; he lied to Roxy. He didn't begin using drugs after Roxy left; he always has. Meyer fed him a bullsh*t story claiming to have known his grandfather, but that was a lie. Lonny found a little purpose in his otherwise bizarre life.
Lonny: W-Wait-wait, you… you knew my grandfather?
Meyer: Not personally, no, but… But you know about him?
Lonny: Well, my-my-my father rarely spoke about him.
Meyer: Well, your grandfather was imprisoned in the camps.
🔗 permalink: Well, your grandfather was imprisoned in the camps.
Sister Harriet agreed to sign on after being promised the head of the man who killed her father. One can only assume she loved her father a lot for her to agree to this.
If one thing is clear, Meyer finds people who have or are suffering trauma. They are all misfits with nothing in common. This could be because they will be least susceptible to being made.
Chava helps fulfill Meyer's promise to Sister Harriet by helping her find the man who killed her father, but she finds a shell of a sick man staring at death.

Batsh*t crazy Travis found the hunters. My lord, he is so bad I admire it in my twisted way. Don't judge me.
Millie's life was unraveling in front of her. A woman dedicated to the rule of law is now on the other side. The feds have her as the prime suspect in the bishop's death.
Clara's first instinct was to run. Believing that these people with Nazi memorabilia and torture items hunt Nazis is harder to believe than that they are Nazis. But they are not lying.
When he found them, Travis had so much fun raining hell on Jonah and Clara.

In the next room, Mindy was sulking after being side-lined in the recent missions, but she comes alive when she hears gunshots and the action calls to her.
The meeting between George, Lonny, Roxy, and Joe was curious. Sure, we lost George, but at least he went painlessly.
Joe might not be as gone as we thought. He could have shot Roxy and Lonny clean on the head, but he hesitates when she calls out his name. He opts for the shoulder and doesn't shoot Lonny. We may get Joe back after all.
With Clara kidnapped, the timeline for getting Hitler is accelerated. George, Lonny, and Roxy's mission was a bust, so they had no more leads to go on.

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What are their next steps?
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