You never know when the past will make it back to haunt you… and this week a previous mark makes his way back into Chance’s life.
On “The Wife’s Tale” Christopher Chance is hired to protect a beautiful woman. Rebecca Brooks turns to Chance for defense when in reality he was the one responsible for her husband’s death many years ago.

Chance of course does anything to protect Mrs. Brooks, eventually even getting shot by her. But why would she shoot a man that is trying to defend her? She figures out the truth, that Chance was the one that killed her husband.
Mr. Brooks was a smart yet crooked professor who learned how to predict the stock market. That is the reason he was murdered, because someone wanted that significant information.
Chance decides to save the truth about Mr. Brooks from his wife. Why would anyone want to keep this considerable information to himself? Chance is truly out to protect the people he is hired to defend. He would rather Mrs. Brooks hate him than hate her dead dishonest husband.
I enjoyed watching this week’s more female cast, including Ilsa Pucci and Aimes. The writers did a good job adding that missing part of this show. Women out there can more easily relate to the new female cast, and men enjoy the new eye candy!
Aimes is becoming Guerrero’s sidekick, helping the usual mediocre man find a more humorous and humane role. We hope these two can develop some sort of meaningful relationship. Who knows, maybe even one that becomes romantic down the line?
This week, Winston helps the new member of the team Mrs. Pucci get acquainted with Chance’s business. By the end of the episode he even has time to save Chance’s life once again. Sometimes we wonder how Chance would make it without his awesome partner. Winston’s role is immeasurable, and we are sure Chance usually wouldn’t make it out alive without his help.
One thing we learn this week is that Chance seems to have no trouble forgetting his past and becoming the man he is today. Only one thing is important to him, to save and protect the person that has hired him.
Christopher Chance is willing to risk his life to save his client, but what will be his breaking point? Will Chance ever regret choosing good over evil?
Overall, this week’s episode entertained yet left me still wanting closure to the storyline of last season. Will we ever know what happened to Chance’s old boss and what important information he was willing to kill for? I have a feeling I might be left wondering for a long time.
Until Next week, here are a few of my favorite Human Target quotes:
Winston: Gentlemen clientele.
Chance: Pretty safe to say.
Winston: Noting safe about that place.
Chance: Are you worried about me? | permalink
Guerrero: Who’s the dude?
Winston: You’re drunk.
Chance: You’re not wearing your glasses.
Guerrero: Fell into a meat grinder, new pair won’t be ready until tomorrow. | permalink
Guerrero: Obviously I can’t drive the elderly in this condition, who’s going to take me to Donnelly? | permalink
Chance: Internet dating, it’s crazy huh? | permalink