This week saw Christopher Chance scrambling to save one of his own, the newest member of his team.
On “Taking Ames,” the team agrees to help out the newly-reformed Ames. She somehow gets involved with a bad man named Marcus and his attempt to steal three very large diamonds. Marcus is the type of man you don’t want to get mixed up with, someone Chance is usually out to get.

What does our hero do to save the day? He agrees to go undercover as the clean up guy. What does the clean up guy do? He cleans up the mess by killing the people that are not needed anymore.
So Chance’s first job as the clean up guy is to kill of the man that was originally responsible for contriving the plan to steal the diamonds. Thankfully, Chance is so awesome he is able to strangle this man and then moments later revive him using electricity to shock his heart.
Honestly, now we can say we’ve seen it all! Chance really is capable of everything. First, killing a man; then, saving him. He is unstoppable.
The new writers must also want to incorporate sexy naked women into their scenes. Don’t really know how having Ames strip down to her underwear and oil herself up to squeeze through an air vent has anything to do with the storyline. I’m sure skinny Ames could have fit through the vent just fine with her clothes on.
I’m left wondering if we will ever see Chance, Guerrero, or Winston oil their naked bodies to squeeze through a tight space. I doubt it.
Did you notice the way Chance and Mrs. Pucci looked at each other while sharing the celebratory scotch for a job well done? I know these two are headed for the sack, probably sooner than later.
In the end, Ames joins the team, permanently choosing to lead a more honest life. She is fast becoming one of my favorite characters, adding a sense of humor to an otherwise serious cast. She seems to also be the ideal partner for Guerrero.
What did everyone else think of the episode?