House of Cards is returning to Netflix for one last hurrah later this year.
However, series star, Robin Wright has opened up about the show's dire prognosis following Kevin Spacey being ousted for alleged sexual misconduct.
“[The show was] very, very close” to getting canceled “because of the climate at the time,” Wright revealed in an interview with Net-a-Porter.

“The air was thick, you know. Harvey Weinstein… People were [saying], ‘We have to shut everything down, or otherwise it will look like we are glorifying and honoring this thing that’s dirty.'”
With Netflix acting quickly when the reports about Spacey came to light, Wright confirmed that she met with Netflix executives because she “believed we should finish. I believed we should honor our commitment. To the people that loved the show, also. Why quit?”
Related: House of Cards: Robin Wright Breaks Silence on Kevin Spacey Scandal
With that, the cast, crew, and everyone else behind the scenes would have been out of a job if the plug was pulled completely.

"They printed that it was ‘only’ 600 people out of work, but if you include security, cops, shooting on location in Baltimore, everything, 2,500 people would have been out of a job," the actress continued.
"And that’s not fair — to take that security away from those people.”
The star went on to discuss her thoughts on whether Spacey could reform following the allegations lodged against him.
Related: House of Cards Gets Final Season Premiere Date
“I believe every human being has the ability to reform…. In that sense, second chances, or whatever you are going to call it – absolutely, I believe in that. It’s called growth.”

Netflix recently confirmed that House of Cards would return for one final season on November 2.
The farewell run will consist of eight episodes.
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