Do you believe in ghosts? I don’t, but I love a good ghost story, especially one that’s not really a ghost story at all.
Houdini & Doyle Season 1 Episode 9 fit that criteria well, and gave me a whole lot more to enjoy.
With every episode, this series gets better and better, and this installment was the best yet.
Houdini, Doyle, and Adelaide boarded a ship to travel from the UK across the pond to Canada, but Harry’s first stop was his mother’s funeral in New York.
Harry’s pain was understandable. Watching all of those sorrowful people dressed in black just didn’t fit with the image of his vibrant mother who loved life, so he fled to Canada to work on the case instead.
I never once believed that the house was really haunted, but the moving chair did have me stumped. I also enjoyed how Adelaide, Houdini, and Doyle all worked together to figure out the mystery.
The moment Clara mentioned that their baby boy had died, I knew that would play into this somehow, but finding his grave in the basement still surprised me.
Thomas Edison was embroiled in this murder mystery, and I was surprised to learn that the real life Edison really did hope to find a way to talk to the dead…
Thomas Edison: With the invention of the lightbulb I conquered the darkness; with the necrophone I shall conquer death.
🔗 permalink: With the invention of the lightbulb I conquered the darkness; with the necrophone I shall…
The bits and pieces of history that are wrapped into these stories always make them even more intriguing.
Everyone reacted differently to the idea of being able to speak to the dead. Doyle kept referring to being able to communicate with his wife…who is still alive, though in a coma. Harry’s frustration with Doyle obviously stemmed from the fact that Doyle could still hold out hope that his wife could come back to him.
Houdini: Stop planning for her death. You claim you love your wife so much, then fight for her.
🔗 permalink: Stop planning for her death. You claim you love your wife so much, then fight for her.
But as even Harry pointed out later, hope can be both a blessing and a curse.
Harry’s reaction to his mother’s death had my heart aching. Losing her will leave a hole that will never be filled. Watching him quietly cry over her gravesite had me in tears.
And yet it was Adelaide for whom I felt the most sympathy, especially after this Houdini & Doyle quote…
Adelaide: But if we know our loved ones are there just on the other side, watching us, talking to us, waiting for us, how will we ever be able to move on?
🔗 permalink: But if we know our loved ones are there just on the other side, watching us, talking to us,…
What could be worse? How about knowing the person you loved faked their own suicide and is still out there?
I know that Benjamin did what he did to save himself and Adelaide, but how does she deal with knowing he’s still alive? That he put her through such pain for so long? That she may never have known the truth if she hadn’t kept digging?
How is she supposed to just hang on in the hopes that he’ll come back… and should she? She obviously never really knew Benjamin. How does she trust him again?
Not to mention the fact that she just kissed Harry, who has fast become her best friend.
I’m curious to find out if she shares the truth with Houdini. I hope so and I’m curious as to what his reaction will be if she does.
As if that wasn’t enough, there’s some mystery woman who appears to be following Harry all the way to Canada and back to his mother’s grave.
There’s only one more episode left and I truly hope that FOX renews this show for a second season because I’m completely hooked!
Check back next week for my review of Houdini & Doyle Season 1 Episode 10 and if you want more, you can watch Houdini & Doyle online here at TV Fanatic.