Dar tortures Senator Coto for information about Peter Quinn.
Carrie realizes McClendon has deployed the special ops to assassinate Keane. She and Quinn try to warn the president elect. There is a bomb threat against the hotel where Keane is and there is an evacuation order. Dar warns Carrie that it's a ruse and that they're trying to frame Quinn for the assassination. A bomb goes off, but Keane is safe. Carrie and Quinn help her escape.
Quinn drives the getaway car but is gunned down and dies. Keane and Carrie are safe.
Six weeks pass, Keane offers Carrie the position of Senior Advisor to the President. Carrie accepts.
Saul visits Dar in prison. Dar admits he lost control of the conspiracy that he set in motion. Dar is not sorry about what he did. He still believes the president is dangerous.
Back in Brooklyn, Carrie gets a visit from a drunken Max. Lonas, Franny's CPS caseworker, does a home visit and Carrie gets another court date. Max passes out on Quinn's bed. Carrie takes a Hefty bag and throws out Quinn's stuff. She finds Quinn's copy of Great Expectations with pictures of his son and one of her. She cries and Max comforts her.
Carrie gets a Face Time call from Saul. He's under arrest. Keane is making arrests all over Washington. Carrie confronts Wellington, Keane's new chief of staff about the political house cleaning. She tries to get in to see Keane, but she's escorted out. Keane is shown looking sinister.
The season ends with Carrie looking at the Capitol.