The unsaid agreement between the kidnappers and the passengers was that everything would be fine if everyone complied and didn't cause any trouble.
That seemed to be wishful thinking on Hijack Season 1 Episode 6 when it became clear inside flight K29 that people would die, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Not the passengers and certainly not the kidnappers.
On the ground, the crisis team ran out of options and had to release Edgar, but they tried to delay his journey for as long as possible until the plane landed, and they had the situation out of control.

Mutiny was a long time coming inside the flight because everything had gone south for the kidnappers from the moment they entered that plane.
They had threatened, shoved, pushed, and killed, and all that had not gone unnoticed by the passengers.

Team Member: The expediate thing to do here is to comply, but comply slowly.
🔗 permalink: The expediate thing to do here is to comply, but comply slowly.
Most of them, however, would have complied until the plane landed if that would save them. But then it became clear that the kidnappers would be killing people, and the chances of anyone being chosen randomly were equal.
It was why everyone agreed to Sam's plan even when we had started to get bored of his antics in Hijack Season 1 Episode 5.
One thing you've got to give Sam is that he was a quick thinker, even under the circumstances. The carton idea was genius.
Seeing the passengers stand up for themselves was possibly the most satisfying thing in the show.
Everyone has a threshold of what they can tolerate, and being a candidate for murder is pretty much the highest one can go.

These kidnappers were stupid, and their blood would be on their heads, whatever fate they met.
If all they wanted was to get a man released from prison, there are other easier ways to go about that, which don't involve confining oneself in a space full of unpredictable people you can't control for long.
They could have abducted a dignitary or stolen damning government documents, but they had to take a plane.
If there was a tier list of idiotic things kidnappers can do, this must be high up on that list.

Cliffhangers That Made Our Jaws Drop to The Floor
There were people from all walks of life on that plane, and among them was someone convicted of murder. There's no way a person like that would sit around waiting to get killed. If anything, they must have been waiting for the uprising.
The organized crime syndicate seemed to stretch very far but had some significant weaknesses. The leaders of the group were the weaknesses.
For example, Stuart, the hijackers' leader. He was afraid of making even the most essential decision someone in his position could make. All he did was yell mumbo jumbo, hoping to scare someone into doing something.
I'm not supporting his actions, but Sam should have been the most straightforward choice if he wanted to kill someone. But like a fool, he was played.

Then there was Edgar. He was a pig.
He walked around with overconfidence that was bound to cost him something. No one that confident fails to make a mistake.
Edgar: I made it quite clear to your colleagues in prison, I said ‘anyone stops us, anyone follows us, and people start dying’. That was our agreement. You just broke that agreement, Daniel.
🔗 permalink: anyone stop us, anyone follow us and people start dying. That was our agreement. You just…
Time was running out fast in London, and a choice was put forward. They could take the plane by force, consequences be damned, or let a criminal walk away scott-free.
Letting Edgar walk away would have been the right decision, but the consequences for whoever made it would be dire later. Taking the down plane had the potential to birth horrible results. It was a case of being caught between a rock and a hard place.

The pressure was mounting with every passing minute as the plane approached Heathrow without a pilot and with kidnappers on board.
A passenger was also murdered, showing that the kidnappers had no boundaries. There wasn't a line they wouldn't cross.
For a while, the focus had been pulled from the people on the plane to Edgar and his counterpart, something that Alice noticed.
Alice: Let’s focus on the two people in the car and not on more than 200 in the sodding plane.
🔗 permalink: Let’s focus on the two people in the car not more than 200 in the…
Alice is my favorite character in the show. It was clear as early as in Hijack Season 1 Episode 3 that she is the voice of reason and common sense when everyone else's fails them.

In Sam's apartment, cleaners had arrived, and Kai did a great job of hiding because those blue jumpsuits spelled trouble.
I'm still unsure why he thought going to his dad's place was a good idea, knowing very well that his dad might be in a kidnapped plane. For an eighteen-year-old, that was a dumb decision to make.
Elsewhere, news about the hijacked plane was leaked to a reporter who was resistant to publish but was blackmailed to do it.
It seemed like the leaker wanted the story out there, and one would think keeping it a secret would be prioritized to prevent mass hysteria.

While that was maybe done to pressure the government into taking action, there seemed to be something deeper going on.
Zahra: That’s not Yansson. That’s a negative ID on the target.
🔗 permalink: That’s not Yansson. That’s a negative ID on the target.
The fact that Edgar never made it to that airstrip was another tell. Why wouldn't he make a run for it when he had the opportunity? Why give up a chance he might never get again?
Like most Hijack Season 1 episodes, "Comply Slowly" ended on a high note when someone thought to be a passenger, got up, assembled a gun, and entered the cockpit.
The plane's pilot had been debating entering there, but I'm unsure if it was the editing or if he delayed too long.

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Who was this woman? Was she also part of the team, or was she the fallback in case the original plan didn't work?
It was an exciting cliffhanger that teased an excellent season finale. "Comply Slowly" was a better episode than its predecessor because it balanced the ground and the plane such that Sam's antics didn't seem as annoying.
We would love to hear your thoughts about the episode, so don't hesitate to share them in the comments section.
Are you ready for the season finale?