The earth is pretty much dust over 7000 years from now.
That was a key thing we learned on Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 9, as we got confirmation that Miko is indeed alive. Admit it, they got you!
It looked like Miko was long gone after Hiro was set free, so her return was pretty damn shocking, and my jaw hit the floor when we found out just how far into the future she is.
Before we got to that point, there were a lot of twists as more characters crossed paths. One of the main complaints on the original series was that they introduced too many characters. This time round, there are a lot of characters, but they feel way more integrated in the story.
You have Casper, Emily, Joanna, Luke, Tommy and Malina all in the one room. Did we ever expect that to happen? Not for a long time yet.
That scene was well crafted, but Joanna's relevance to the story at this point is minimal, so she needs to leave. She's deluded and the only way she'll ever be at rest is if she's dead. She's had murder in her mind ever since we first met her and she wasn't all that interesting to begin with.
Judith Shekoni is turning in a decent performance, but she's just not getting good material to work. I don't get what her connection is to Harris and quite frankly, I could care less.
The scenes between Malina and Luke were pretty fun to watch and these two have a decent friendship. It was a bit of a shock that he stepped up against Joanna in the ice cream parlor, but I won't be forgetting that he ditched Malina.
Tommy's faux mother also let him on a big secret. His power is exactly the same as Hiro Nakamura's. This wasn't all that shocking either, but it makes me wonder what part he and Malina are going to play in saving the world. We know Malina's power is strong, but Tommy's is a pointless power when we know other people have a similar one.
Tommy: I can’t time travel
Noah: As a matter of fact, Nathan, you can.
🔗 permalink: As a matter of fact, Nathan, you can.
After Tommy saved Emma, they teleported to the hospital and there was the mother of all showdowns between Quentin and Noah. Noah is a difficult guy to please, but he managed to trust Quentin, and he's not going to take that lightly.
Quentin: Ironic, huh? Sent to save the world and you can’t even get yourself a chocolate bar.
🔗 permalink: Ironic, huh? Sent to save the world and you can’t even get yourself a chocolate bar.
Also, Erica knows that Noah will be coming after her, so wouldn't it have made a lot of sense to have him killed by Phoebe, or at the very least, captured?
It was a bit surreal that someone as evil as Erica would invite Tommy for dinner. It's clearly her last supper before she sets a deadly plan in motion. This chick just doesn't know when to stop, does she?
Then we have Taylor. The scorned daughter who wants to make her mother pay for taking her love away from her. We understand her frustration, but teaming up with Haitian isn't the best idea right about now. Things have changed since the original series, and we don't even know whether Micah is good this time around. He better not bring his mother back with him. Dead is never dead in science fiction.
"Sundae, Bloody Sundae" slowed down a lot after a solid run of episodes. We are heading in an interesting direction, but the show needs to stop focusing on some of the more dull characters (Carlos, I'm looking at you!).
Other tidbits from the episode:
- Does anyone even care about Matt Parkman anymore? He was a good character early on the original show, but now he's just a boring guy on Erica's payroll and his EVO camp is pretty defenseless.
- Carlos' story kicked up a few gears this week, but I'm still not sold on him. I just don't feel like I care all that much about him saving his nephew.
- Taylor's red wig was cute. It was very Sidney Bristow, right?
Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right now. What are you waiting for?
Over to you, Heroes Fanatics. What did you think of the hour? Will Tommy help Erica? Will Noah survive the season? Hit the comments below!
Note: Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10 airs Thursday November 19 at 8/7c on NBC.