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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: 11: 53 to Odessa

Noah and Malina leave the ice cream shop, but they are stopped by Luke, who seems intent on helping, but Noah brushes him off when Malina tells him who he is. 

Tommy wakes up in Erica's with a scar on his neck. Erica walks in and claims to have no idea what happened to his neck. Tommy refuses to help her, but appears to listen when she tells him about Hiro's rift in time and that he's been lied to about everything. He says he will go in to the future to help.

Matt is on the phone to Harris and he says that he'll have all the evo's ready to go. 

Malina and Noah are driving to find Tommy and they talk about Claire. 

Miko is still in the future and finds Erica's men, but they try to capture her and she runs off. 

Quentin, Erica, Phoebe and Tommy arrive in the future and Erica makes it clear that Tommy has a choice, save the world, or not.

Taylor enlists her mother's help to evade the evo camp to get Micah. When they show up, Matt is terrorizing Farah and Carlos about their past.

Luke catches back up with Malina and Noah and he comes clean about what he and Joanna were up to. Noah tells Malina to get in the car because a storm is coming.

Back at the evo camp, Matt comes in the room and reads Taylor's mind, realizing she's only there for Francis. Erica and Matt argue and Taylor uses a taser on him.

Harris bursts in the room and there is two Matt's. He hedges a guess and kills one. Matt goes crazy at his risk. 

Erica finds out that Miko attacked the security and asks for Otimo.

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