Everyone is coming together, but will any of them get a happy ending?
On Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10, a lot of characters came face to face with each other in ways that we'd have never expected.
Who thought Miko would be meeting up with her father nearly 8000 years in the future? Not me. It's twists like this that have me relishing this reboot. It's been a solid run, and I'll shed a few tears when it's all over.

We started off with Erica and Tommy. It was all very weird initially, but as the hour progressed, I got the sense that Erica (in her own twisted way) thinks she's doing the right thing for the world. She tried to turn Tommy against his family, but he's too strong for that, and in the end, she loosened the leash on him. That's when he started warming up to her.
Tommy: We’re supposed to stop the apocalypse.
Erica:There is no stopping it.
🔗 permalink: There is no stopping it.
He thinks they both have mutual interests in saving the world, but Erica is only concerned with saving a select few. Why Matt Parkman is on that list is beyond me. He's turned into one of the worst characters in the franchise to date and although he's only been in a few episodes this time round, I'm already getting the sense that he's overstayed his welcome.
I have to give props to Taylor. Her plan was working pretty well. I was even fooled. Stupid me forgot all about the body swapping one of her new comrades pulled on her when they first met. Body swapping can get tedious, so hopefully we've had our fill for the season.
Miko's whole storyline, for the first time, fell very flat. She's an interesting enough character, but her walking around a world alone kind of made me realize the faults in her character. She works best when she has Ren with her. The two of them are hilarious together.
I did like that she has a bigger part to play in all of this, and honestly, I thought she was meant to save Hiro. Then when she saved Tommy, I laughed out loud at Erica's face. I bet she's regretting sending Phoebe back to the present about now, right? I bet she wishes she could turn back time.
It did suck that because Tommy was her shiny new toy, Phoebe was brushed to the side. That'll probably come back to bite Erica in the ass when Phoebe inevitably fights on the side of good rather than evil. It's coming, people!
It sure looks like Carlos and Farah's storyline is going to kick into high gear over these final few episodes. I felt for Farah when she was forced to tell Matt about Malina. In that moment, it proved just how much she loves Carlos, and I'm warming up to both of these characters now.
Matt: Oh, you’re as useless as you were in Afghanistan.
🔗 permalink: Oh, you’re as useless as you were in Afghanistan.
Finally, the Noah and Malina team up was interesting and all, but what was with Luke just following them around like a lost puppy? He should have left them alone. He just came across as way too sketch and that's why Noah didn't want him to accompany them. At the gas station, I think Noah kind of put himself in Luke's shoes. In the past, Noah did terrible things, so I think he reached an understanding with him.
Malina is a little naive to think that she'd get a standing ovation after getting rid of the storm. Now she knows first hand how the public treat evos, and I don't expect her to be saving anyone again.
The main thing to take away from the final scenes is, where is Noah? Someone teleported him out of harm's way, but who? Are we to assume it's Tommy? It could be another original character. Either way, we need to wait until January to find out what's next. Hopefully we'll get to see Micah back out in the world. I've missed him!
"11:53 to Odessa" was a decent episode. It set things in motion for what is sure to be an exciting final batch of episodes. There are just so many questions about the future that it hurts when I think of it.
Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!
Over to you, fanatics. What's coming up in January? Do you want another season? Hit the comments!
Note: Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 returns in January.