Well that didn't quite have the excitement of a winter premiere.
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 really was dull and all over the place. There was just far too much going on to care for one single character.
This whole storyline with Matt Parkman as the villain is just tedious. Any fan of the original series would know that there's no way that Matt would go in this direction. Everything he's doing is just so out of character. I totally understand that a lot can happen in a few years, but seriously, just stop, 'cause we ain't buying it!
The only way to right the wrongs for Matt is to have it turn out that a shapeshifter is running a shell of his body. Before this whole thing is over, it needs to have been at least worthwhile, but the direction the show is going leaves much to be desired.
Haitian: You used to be a good man. A family man.
Matt: I used to be and then my family walked out on me.
🔗 permalink: I used to be and then my family walked out on me.
Erica was a pretty good villain, but she's playing the villain too much, and it's clear she won't be getting her happy ending. Why doesn't she just go off to the future and let everyone stay in the present? I don't think the chick has ever had a civil conversation with anyone this whole season.
I was ecstatic that Miko finally took Harris down, but why did he die this time? Every other time he has been split in half, he mutates. What was so different this time? Did I miss a trick?
The excitement of Harris' demise was short-lived when it was revealed that Erica brought in Joanne to take down Malina after Phoebe and Quentin failed to do so. It was disheartening that Malina was seen as this savior to mankind, yet she couldn't muster up the power to end Phoebe for good.
Phoebe: I can’t wait to kill that little bitch.
🔗 permalink: I can’t wait to kill that little bitch.
Phoebe should have been taken out for good this week. We're heading into the final two episodes and there are too many characters for there to be a fitting conclusion. Perhaps the two rockets that are heading to kill loads of people will take out some of the other characters.
My other main gripe was the lack of HRG. There is no Heroes without him, so this episode was probably lacking because of his absence. It just seems like a contrived way to have Malina and Luke buddy up and head off on a solo mission.
Even though there were a multitude of negatives with this hour, it was good that Micah finally made it to the land of the living and helped (somewhat) to expose Erica for who she really is and prove Suresh was not the one responsible for Odessa.
As it stands, there is still a lot on the table to be resolved, but there are only two episodes remaining, so the show needs to kick things up a few notches and get back to the breakneck pace of earlier installments.
"Send in the Clones" was one of the worst episodes of any show I've witnessed in quite some time. The original series went out with a whimper, and it would be a shame for this one to follow suit. It hasn't been perfect, but along the way has managed to be very entertaining, so it's just shocking that the series has run out of steam with another two episodes left to go.
Other odds and ends:
- Was anyone else happy to see Jose reunited with Carlos? Both their storylines were the most underwhelming earlier this season, but in this horrid episode, they were a front runner.
- Will Taylor's baby possess evo abilities? Will Erica disown her daughter for good when she finds out?
- Will we ever see HRG again?
Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the drama right now!
What did you think of this episode? Is the show running on fumes? Will the bombs actually go off? Hit the comments below!