Can someone please define the meaning of "limited series" to NBC?
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 13 was clearly a season finale. There was considerable resolution, but that whole cliffhanger ending was just a slap in the face to the fans that have stuck with this uneven show for 13 episodes.
In the grand scheme of things, they should've left Heroes in the TV show afterlife. They had a real shot to get it right this time and they couldn't have gotten it more wrong.
There were a handful of episodes that were really good, but they were nearer the beginning, and the show ran out of steam weeks ago.

It's doubtful that anyone will be buying that it was Noah's destiny to die saving the world. It came out of nowhere and made little sense. He's a character beloved by fans of the franchise, so it really sucked seeing him die, which he did in the most convoluted way.
It's obvious they wanted to go out with a shock to get people talking, but this one's going to be for all the wrong reasons.
Ten minutes in you had Luke complaining that he wanted to be the one to save the world. Couldn't they have left it at killing him off? Luke was a good character, so there was a lot of shock value in it, but I just can't fathom why they killed him, then Noah.
Tommy: I’m ready. I’m ready to save the world.
🔗 permalink: I’m ready. I’m ready to save the world.
Nathan and Malina did manage to fulfill their destiny, but they have a much bigger threat coming after them now: Their father. I'm guessing those cards have a major throwback to the original series, but I can't remember who the character was that used the cards.
On top of all that, the true villain didn't even get much of a comeuppance. Erica, wherever you are, we hope you perished in the worst possible way. You're crazy, evil and manipulative.
Then there are the special effects. The solar flare scenes were ridiculous. It's almost like the episode was still in post-production when NBC decided it was toast and they just aired a rough cut. Totally not cool.
It wasn't at all surprising that most characters got a happy ending. If there was a sophomore run, you can bet your bottom dollar that Carlos, Farah, Jose and Erica wouldn't be involved.
Obviously the world's perception on evo's has changed dramatically since the day Luke and Noah both sacrificed their lives. They are no longer pariahs in society. Malina goes to school like a normal person now, but that's all going to go to hell whenever her father shows up.
All things considered, this was a weak finale to this volume of Heroes. We were promised so much, but these revival series are proving to be mediocre and it should be a cautionary tale to any show wanting to return down the line.
The thing about the Heroes franchise is that it went stale in its first season, so we should have been prepared for this steaming pile of mediocrity. The acting was never a problem on Reborn. The problems lie with the forced storylines and cringe worthy dialog.
If Heroes is to return in the future, make it worth our while or don't bring it back at all. Better yet, wait longer than a few years.
Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!
What did you think of the finale? Are you mad Noah was killed off? Hit the comments below!