Heroes Reborn Archives - TV Fanatic https://www.tvfanatic.com/shows/heroes-reborn/ Your Home for TV Show Reviews, Opinions, Spoilers, and News! Sun, 10 Apr 2016 22:17:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6 https://cdn.tvfanatic.com/uploads/2024/05/favicon-1-150x150.png Heroes Reborn Archives - TV Fanatic https://www.tvfanatic.com/shows/heroes-reborn/ 32 32 Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Project Reborn https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-review-project-reborn/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-review-project-reborn/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2016 02:40:02 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2016/01/22/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-review-project-reborn/ The Prophecy - Heroes Reborn

Heroes Reborn said goodbye to us for good, but was it as terrible as previous episodes this season? Read on for the full run down of all things Heroes Reborn!

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Can someone please define the meaning of "limited series" to NBC?

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 13 was clearly a season finale. There was considerable resolution, but that whole cliffhanger ending was just a slap in the face to the fans that have stuck with this uneven show for 13 episodes.

In the grand scheme of things, they should've left Heroes in the TV show afterlife. They had a real shot to get it right this time and they couldn't have gotten it more wrong.

There were a handful of episodes that were really good, but they were nearer the beginning, and the show ran out of steam weeks ago. 

The Prophecy - Heroes Reborn
(Christos Kalohoridis/NBC)

It's doubtful that anyone will be buying that it was Noah's destiny to die saving the world. It came out of nowhere and made little sense. He's a character beloved by fans of the franchise, so it really sucked seeing him die, which he did in the most convoluted way.

It's obvious they wanted to go out with a shock to get people talking, but this one's going to be for all the wrong reasons. 

Ten minutes in you had Luke complaining that he wanted to be the one to save the world. Couldn't they have left it at killing him off? Luke was a good character, so there was a lot of shock value in it, but I just can't fathom why they killed him, then Noah. 

Tommy: I’m ready. I’m ready to save the world.

🔗 permalink: I’m ready. I’m ready to save the world.

Nathan and Malina did manage to fulfill their destiny, but they have a much bigger threat coming after them now: Their father. I'm guessing those cards have a major throwback to the original series, but I can't remember who the character was that used the cards. 

On top of all that, the true villain didn't even get much of a comeuppance. Erica, wherever you are, we hope you perished in the worst possible way. You're crazy, evil and manipulative.

Then there are the special effects. The solar flare scenes were ridiculous. It's almost like the episode was still in post-production when NBC decided it was toast and they just aired a rough cut. Totally not cool. 

It wasn't at all surprising that most characters got a happy ending. If there was a sophomore run, you can bet your bottom dollar that Carlos, Farah, Jose and Erica wouldn't be involved. 

Obviously the world's perception on evo's has changed dramatically since the day Luke and Noah both sacrificed their lives. They are no longer pariahs in society. Malina goes to school like a normal person now, but that's all going to go to hell whenever her father shows up. 

All things considered, this was a weak finale to this volume of Heroes. We were promised so much, but these revival series are proving to be mediocre and it should be a cautionary tale to any show wanting to return down the line.

The thing about the Heroes franchise is that it went stale in its first season, so we should have been prepared for this steaming pile of mediocrity. The acting was never a problem on Reborn. The problems lie with the forced storylines and cringe worthy dialog. 

If Heroes is to return in the future, make it worth our while or don't bring it back at all. Better yet, wait longer than a few years. 

Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

What did you think of the finale? Are you mad Noah was killed off? Hit the comments below!

Alicia - Fear The Walking Dead

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https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-review-project-reborn/feed/ 0 The Prophecy – Heroes Reborn Malina tries to fulfill the prophecy to save the world on Heroes Reborn. "Project Reborn" is the 13th episode of the show's first season. Alicia – Fear The Walking Dead Alicia - Fear The Walking Dead
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 13 Recap: Project Reborn https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-recap-project-reborn/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-recap-project-reborn/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:25:47 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-13-recap-project-reborn/ The Prophecy - Heroes Reborn

As the end nears, Erica takes measures to ensure her success while Malina tries to fulfill a prophecy to save the world on Heroes Reborn.

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Luke is still stuck in the videogame, but Ren is forced to go in with Katana girl to save him. The succeed and when he gets out he makes his first course of action to take down Erica, but she threatens him. 

He informs her that he can be in two places at one time and when she laughs it off, he proves it to her. 

He goes to help Malina stop the second flare after Luke sacrifices himself to get rid of the first one. Tommy realizes they're power together isn't working and remembers something from his and Malina's childhood and he realizes he needs to get Noah to stand between them to take down the flare. 

He goes to the scene of the tornado and brings him to Malina and with his help, they save the world. He dies shortly after. 

Carlos, Farah and Jose are happy and spend their days fighting crime, but Malina and Tommy's happiness is short-lived when they both get mysterious cards sent to them, but Angela tells Malina that it's her father and he will want to take her with him. 

Quentin tells the police that the evo's are good people and they saved the world.

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 12 Review: Company Woman https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-review-company-woman/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-review-company-woman/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:30:01 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2016/01/15/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-review-company-woman/ The End Nears - Heroes Reborn

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 12 saw the show continue to limp to the finish line with the drama kicking up a little. Read on for the full review!

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Can the solar flares come and save this mess?

On Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 12, we got one step closer to this whole nightmare being over. I'm not going to deny that the outing was a cut above Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 (which was atrocious), but there were still a lot of problems. 

Primarily, the issue that has plagued this series from the start is the lack of decent characters. Right now, Ren is the only likeable fellow on the show. He's barely had any screen time, but his return was refreshing. It almost made me forgive how all over the place the rest of the show has been.

The End Nears - Heroes Reborn
(Christos Kalohoridis/NBC)

Erica's back story didn't interest me in the slightest. This woman is pure evil, and it felt kind of fulfilling that Taylor told her she'd rather die than go to the new world with her. I was pretty sure Taylor was going to kill herself when she realized that her baby daddy was dead. Perhaps she figured she'd be dead when the solar flares arrive, anyway. 

The character of Matt has been completely destroyed. He was a very engaging character back on the original series, but the convoluted nature of his storylines in this rebooted version of the show have put him squarely in the scrap heap. He doesn't deserve a happy ending after everything he's done. 

The whole scene with his car rolling was pretty well executed and all, but I was too busy clapping my hands together at the thought of him getting his comeuppance. 

Tommy finally being double crossed by Erica was long overdue. It's difficult to imagine why she didn't just make him digital long ago. It would have saved her a lot of time and effort with him. Does that show she does have a heart? I'm not so sure, but stranger things have happened. 

Luke taking out Joanne for good was also pretty satisfying. She's got to be one of the worst written characters on TV in quite some time. Somewhere, I'm sure the casting call for the character must say,"the character of Joanne has a permanent scowl on her face."

There was still no HRG in sight, which was pretty weird. He is that glue that's been holding this mess of a show together since it started. Without him, there is no Heroes. 

With that said, I'm not surprised NBC isn't moving forward with another season of this rebooted series. NBC can play the "limited series" card all they want, but had this show had a few million more viewers, it would be returning. It's a numbers game and the rest of NBC's shows are doing better than this one. Bare in mind that this show has lost half its audience throughout the season. 

"Company Woman" wasn't all that. Sure, it was better than the return from break, but the little momentum this show had was murdered by that break. With three episodes left, NBC could have wrapped the show up before Christmas. They knew they were sticking a fork in this one. 

There's no point in hedging any guesses about how it'll all end because I'm sure it's going to be a steaming pile of mediocrity. 

Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the drama now!

What did you think of the episode? What's coming in the finale? Should this be the end for the franchise? Hit the comments below!

Note: Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 13 airs Thursday January 21 at 8/7C on NBC.

The Originals Round Table: Kol's Return!

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https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-review-company-woman/feed/ 0 The End Nears – Heroes Reborn As the end nears, Erica Kravid's past surfaces on Heroes Reborn. "Company Woman" is the 12th episode of the show's first season. The Originals Round Table: Kol’s Return!
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 12 Recap: Company Woman https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-recap-company-woman/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-recap-company-woman/#respond Wed, 13 Jan 2016 23:49:16 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-12-recap-company-woman/ The End Nears - Heroes Reborn

As the end of civilization approaches, Erica Kravid's past surfaces and Taylor's life is jeopardized by Matt's actions On Heroes Reborn.

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Matt continues to try secure wristbands for Janice and his son, but when Erica doesn't play ball, he threatens Taylor's life. Erica reluctantly agrees, but she gets the last laugh when Matt crashes his car and loses the wristbands. 

Erica comes clean to Taylor that she was raped and that she killed Taylor's father and had her memory wiped. Taylor is horrified to learn that Erica has killed her boyfriend and tells her mother that she'd rather die than spend time with her in the new world. 

Malina and Luke get into a fight with Phoebe and Quentin, with Phoebe running off. Quentin joins the good guys again. Joanne shows up at the school and it leads to a fight with her and Luke. She shoots Malina, but Luke kills her. It emerges that Farrah jamp in front of Malina, saving her.

Ren teams up with Emily and they set out to halt Erica's master plan, but they hit a snag when they witness Miko's dad being murdered by Erica's henchmen. 

Erica sets in motion her final plan of action and starts the process of sending people into the future and when Tommy goes against her, she has him kidnapped and imprisoned in a videogame.

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 Review: Send in the Clones https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-review-send-in-the-clones/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-review-send-in-the-clones/#respond Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:30:12 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2016/01/08/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-review-send-in-the-clones/ Miko and Tommy - Heroes Reborn

On Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11, there is a lot of shifting alliances, some insight into Matt Parkman's reign of terror and a while lot of questionable plot points. Read on!

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Well that didn't quite have the excitement of a winter premiere. 

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 really was dull and all over the place. There was just far too much going on to care for one single character. 

This whole storyline with Matt Parkman as the villain is just tedious. Any fan of the original series would know that there's no way that Matt would go in this direction. Everything he's doing is just so out of character. I totally understand that a lot can happen in a few years, but seriously, just stop, 'cause we ain't buying it!

The only way to right the wrongs for Matt is to have it turn out that a shapeshifter is running a shell of his body. Before this whole thing is over, it needs to have been at least worthwhile, but the direction the show is going leaves much to be desired. 

Haitian: You used to be a good man. A family man.

Matt: I used to be and then my family walked out on me.

🔗 permalink: I used to be and then my family walked out on me.

Erica was a pretty good villain, but she's playing the villain too much, and it's clear she won't be getting her happy ending. Why doesn't she just go off to the future and let everyone stay in the present? I don't think the chick has ever had a civil conversation with anyone this whole season. 

I was ecstatic that Miko finally took Harris down, but why did he die this time? Every other time he has been split in half, he mutates. What was so different this time? Did I miss a trick?

The excitement of Harris' demise was short-lived when it was revealed that Erica brought in Joanne to take down Malina after Phoebe and Quentin failed to do so. It was disheartening that Malina was seen as this savior to mankind, yet she couldn't muster up the power to end Phoebe for good. 

Phoebe: I can’t wait to kill that little bitch.

🔗 permalink: I can’t wait to kill that little bitch.

Phoebe should have been taken out for good this week. We're heading into the final two episodes and there are too many characters for there to be a fitting conclusion. Perhaps the two rockets that are heading to kill loads of people will take out some of the other characters. 

My other main gripe was the lack of HRG. There is no Heroes without him, so this episode was probably lacking because of his absence. It just seems like a contrived way to have Malina and Luke buddy up and head off on a solo mission. 

Even though there were a multitude of negatives with this hour, it was good that Micah finally made it to the land of the living and helped (somewhat) to expose Erica for who she really is and prove Suresh was not the one responsible for Odessa. 

As it stands, there is still a lot on the table to be resolved, but there are only two episodes remaining, so the show needs to kick things up a few notches and get back to the breakneck pace of earlier installments. 

"Send in the Clones" was one of the worst episodes of any show I've witnessed in quite some time. The original series went out with a whimper, and it would be a shame for this one to follow suit. It hasn't been perfect, but along the way has managed to be very entertaining, so it's just shocking that the series has run out of steam with another two episodes left to go. 

Other odds and ends:

  • Was anyone else happy to see Jose reunited with Carlos? Both their storylines were the most underwhelming earlier this season, but in this horrid episode, they were a front runner. 
  • Will Taylor's baby possess evo abilities? Will Erica disown her daughter for good when she finds out?
  • Will we ever see HRG again?

Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the drama right now!

What did you think of this episode? Is the show running on fumes? Will the bombs actually go off? Hit the comments below!

TV Ratings Report: America's Got Talent Leads The Way

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 Recap: Send in the Clones https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-recap-send-in-the-clones/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-recap-send-in-the-clones/#respond Sun, 03 Jan 2016 21:22:37 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-11-recap-send-in-the-clones/ Miko and Tommy - Heroes Reborn

A battle rages to free prisoners under Parkman's control at Sunstone Manor while Luke and Malina unite to rescue Tommy on a brand new episode of Heroes Reborn.

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Matt continues to try regain power at the camp, but Taylor, Farah and the Haitian try to prevent it. Matt manages to grab Taylor and promises that he will kill her if her mother doesn't follow through on her plan to take him to the new world. 

Malina has no idea where her grandfather is, so she teams up with Luke and they get on their way to find Tommy, but Quentin, Phoebe and Harris are hot on their tail. 

When they come face to face, Phoebe manages to overpower Malina, almost killing her, but Luke smacks her over the head and knocks her out, stopping her power. Luke realizes that Phoebe was the one who caused the attack on Odessa and that she effectively caused his son's demise. 

Before Luke kills her, Quentin butts in and assures them that he knows where Tommy is and if they keep himself and Phoebe alive, he'll take them to them. 

Tommy has to work with Miko to find out what Erica is really up to and he pretends he killed her for her. 

Erica reunites him with his mother and then takes him away again to "answer some questions."

Harris calls Erica and informs her that Matt has Taylor. 

Carlos is reunited with Jose. 

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10 Review: 11: 53 to Odessa https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-review-11-53-to-odessa/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-review-11-53-to-odessa/#respond Fri, 20 Nov 2015 02:23:16 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2015/11/20/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-review-11-53-to-odessa/ Destinies Cross - Heroes Reborn

On Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10, Tommy helps the devil, but is he doing the right thing? Someone may have just died for good! Read on for the full review!

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Everyone is coming together, but will any of them get a happy ending? 

On Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10, a lot of characters came face to face with each other in ways that we'd have never expected. 

Who thought Miko would be meeting up with her father nearly 8000 years in the future? Not me. It's twists like this that have me relishing this reboot. It's been a solid run, and I'll shed a few tears when it's all over. 

Destinies Cross - Heroes Reborn
(Steve Wilkie/NBC)

We started off with Erica and Tommy. It was all very weird initially, but as the hour progressed, I got the sense that Erica (in her own twisted way) thinks she's doing the right thing for the world. She tried to turn Tommy against his family, but he's too strong for that, and in the end, she loosened the leash on him. That's when he started warming up to her. 

Tommy: We’re supposed to stop the apocalypse.

Erica:There is no stopping it.

🔗 permalink: There is no stopping it.

He thinks they both have mutual interests in saving the world, but Erica is only concerned with saving a select few. Why Matt Parkman is on that list is beyond me. He's turned into one of the worst characters in the franchise to date and although he's only been in a few episodes this time round, I'm already getting the sense that he's overstayed his welcome. 

I have to give props to Taylor. Her plan was working pretty well. I was even fooled. Stupid me forgot all about the body swapping one of her new comrades pulled on her when they first met. Body swapping can get tedious, so hopefully we've had our fill for the season. 

Miko's whole storyline, for the first time, fell very flat. She's an interesting enough character, but her walking around a world alone kind of made me realize the faults in her character. She works best when she has Ren with her. The two of them are hilarious together. 

I did like that she has a bigger part to play in all of this, and honestly, I thought she was meant to save Hiro. Then when she saved Tommy, I laughed out loud at Erica's face. I bet she's regretting sending Phoebe back to the present about now, right? I bet she wishes she could turn back time. 

It did suck that because Tommy was her shiny new toy, Phoebe was brushed to the side. That'll probably come back to bite Erica in the ass when Phoebe inevitably fights on the side of good rather than evil. It's coming, people!

It sure looks like Carlos and Farah's storyline is going to kick into high gear over these final few episodes. I felt for Farah when she was forced to tell Matt about Malina. In that moment, it proved just how much she loves Carlos, and I'm warming up to both of these characters now. 

Matt: Oh, you’re as useless as you were in Afghanistan.

🔗 permalink: Oh, you’re as useless as you were in Afghanistan.

Finally, the Noah and Malina team up was interesting and all, but what was with Luke just following them around like a lost puppy? He should have left them alone. He just came across as way too sketch and that's why Noah didn't want him to accompany them. At the gas station, I think Noah kind of put himself in Luke's shoes. In the past, Noah did terrible things, so I think he reached an understanding with him. 

Malina is a little naive to think that she'd get a standing ovation after getting rid of the storm. Now she knows first hand how the public treat evos, and I don't expect her to be saving anyone again. 

The main thing to take away from the final scenes is, where is Noah? Someone teleported him out of harm's way, but who? Are we to assume it's Tommy? It could be another original character. Either way, we need to wait until January to find out what's next. Hopefully we'll get to see Micah back out in the world. I've missed him!

"11:53 to Odessa" was a decent episode. It set things in motion for what is sure to be an exciting final batch of episodes. There are just so many questions about the future that it hurts when I think of it. 

Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Over to you, fanatics. What's coming up in January? Do you want another season? Hit the comments!

Note: Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 11 returns in January.

Our Intrepid Heroes - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 7

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https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-review-11-53-to-odessa/feed/ 0 Destinies Cross – Heroes Reborn Malina releases her true power as Noah and Luke's destinies finally cross on Heroes Reborn. "11: 53 to Odessa" is the tenth episode of the show's first season. Our Intrepid Heroes – Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 7 Our intrepid heroes plan to break into King Arthur's castle and try to steal back Excalibur.
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: 11: 53 to Odessa https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-recap-11-53-to-odessa/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-recap-11-53-to-odessa/#respond Wed, 18 Nov 2015 21:41:15 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-10-recap-11-53-to-odessa/ Destinies Cross - Heroes Reborn

Malina releases her true power as Noah and Luke's destinies finally cross while Carlos faces his violent past on a brand new episode of Heroes Reborn.

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Noah and Malina leave the ice cream shop, but they are stopped by Luke, who seems intent on helping, but Noah brushes him off when Malina tells him who he is. 

Tommy wakes up in Erica's with a scar on his neck. Erica walks in and claims to have no idea what happened to his neck. Tommy refuses to help her, but appears to listen when she tells him about Hiro's rift in time and that he's been lied to about everything. He says he will go in to the future to help.

Matt is on the phone to Harris and he says that he'll have all the evo's ready to go. 

Malina and Noah are driving to find Tommy and they talk about Claire. 

Miko is still in the future and finds Erica's men, but they try to capture her and she runs off. 

Quentin, Erica, Phoebe and Tommy arrive in the future and Erica makes it clear that Tommy has a choice, save the world, or not.

Taylor enlists her mother's help to evade the evo camp to get Micah. When they show up, Matt is terrorizing Farah and Carlos about their past.

Luke catches back up with Malina and Noah and he comes clean about what he and Joanna were up to. Noah tells Malina to get in the car because a storm is coming.

Back at the evo camp, Matt comes in the room and reads Taylor's mind, realizing she's only there for Francis. Erica and Matt argue and Taylor uses a taser on him.

Harris bursts in the room and there is two Matt's. He hedges a guess and kills one. Matt goes crazy at his risk. 

Erica finds out that Miko attacked the security and asks for Otimo.

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Sundae, Bloody Sundae https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-review-sundae-bloody-sundae/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-review-sundae-bloody-sundae/#respond Fri, 13 Nov 2015 03:06:22 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2015/11/13/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-review-sundae-bloody-sundae/ A Violent Encounter - Heroes Reborn

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 9 reveals Tommy's true power while jumping over 7000 years into the future. How did it all pan out? Read on for the full review!

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The earth is pretty much dust over 7000 years from now.

That was a key thing we learned on Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 9, as we got confirmation that Miko is indeed alive. Admit it, they got you!

It looked like Miko was long gone after Hiro was set free, so her return was pretty damn shocking, and my jaw hit the floor when we found out just how far into the future she is. 

Before we got to that point, there were a lot of twists as more characters crossed paths. One of the main complaints on the original series was that they introduced too many characters. This time round, there are a lot of characters, but they feel way more integrated in the story. 

You have Casper, Emily, Joanna, Luke, Tommy and Malina all in the one room. Did we ever expect that to happen? Not for a long time yet. 

That scene was well crafted, but Joanna's relevance to the story at this point is minimal, so she needs to leave. She's deluded and the only way she'll ever be at rest is if she's dead. She's had murder in her mind ever since we first met her and she wasn't all that interesting to begin with. 

Judith Shekoni is turning in a decent performance, but she's just not getting good material to work. I don't get what her connection is to Harris and quite frankly, I could care less. 

The scenes between Malina and Luke were pretty fun to watch and these two have a decent friendship. It was a bit of a shock that he stepped up against Joanna in the ice cream parlor, but I won't be forgetting that he ditched Malina. 

Tommy's faux mother also let him on a big secret. His power is exactly the same as Hiro Nakamura's. This wasn't all that shocking either, but it makes me wonder what part he and Malina are going to play in saving the world. We know Malina's power is strong, but Tommy's is a pointless power when we know other people have a similar one.

Tommy: I can’t time travel

Noah: As a matter of fact, Nathan, you can.

🔗 permalink: As a matter of fact, Nathan, you can.

After Tommy saved Emma, they teleported to the hospital and there was the mother of all showdowns between Quentin and Noah. Noah is a difficult guy to please, but he managed to trust Quentin, and he's not going to take that lightly. 

Quentin: Ironic, huh? Sent to save the world and you can’t even get yourself a chocolate bar.

🔗 permalink: Ironic, huh? Sent to save the world and you can’t even get yourself a chocolate bar.

Also, Erica knows that Noah will be coming after her, so wouldn't it have made a lot of sense to have him killed by Phoebe, or at the very least, captured? 

It was a bit surreal that someone as evil as Erica would invite Tommy for dinner. It's clearly her last supper before she sets a deadly plan in motion. This chick just doesn't know when to stop, does she?

Then we have Taylor. The scorned daughter who wants to make her mother pay for taking her love away from her. We understand her frustration, but teaming up with Haitian isn't the best idea right about now. Things have changed since the original series, and we don't even know whether Micah is good this time around. He better not bring his mother back with him. Dead is never dead in science fiction. 

"Sundae, Bloody Sundae" slowed down a lot after a solid run of episodes. We are heading in an interesting direction, but the show needs to stop focusing on some of the more dull characters (Carlos, I'm looking at you!). 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Does anyone even care about Matt Parkman anymore? He was a good character early on the original show, but now he's just a boring guy on Erica's payroll and his EVO camp is pretty defenseless. 
  • Carlos' story kicked up a few gears this week, but I'm still not sold on him. I just don't feel like I care all that much about him saving his nephew. 
  • Taylor's red wig was cute. It was very Sidney Bristow, right?

Remember you can watch Heroes Reborn online, right now. What are you waiting for?

Over to you, Heroes Fanatics. What did you think of the hour? Will Tommy help Erica? Will Noah survive the season? Hit the comments below!

Note: Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 10 airs Thursday November 19 at 8/7c on NBC.

Frank and Laurel - How To Get Away With Murder

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Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 9 Recap: Sundae, Bloody Sundae https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-recap-sundae-bloody-sundae/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-recap-sundae-bloody-sundae/#respond Thu, 12 Nov 2015 00:07:42 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/heroes-reborn-season-1-episode-9-recap-sundae-bloody-sundae/ A Violent Encounter - Heroes Reborn

An underground group captures Taylor and Noah searches for Tommy while trying to stop a catastrophic event on a brand new episode of Heroes Reborn.

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Taylor goes in disguise when she gets an encrypted message telling her to meet someone, but she is shocked when she's ambushed and kidnapped. 

Her mother appears before her, trying to get answers about who she sent the information to, but she refuses and then the captors let her know they are not working for her mother. They are looking for Micah Sanders and Erica has them. Taylor agrees to help them get him back. 

Tommy finds out from his mother that he has the same power as Hiro Nakamura and he gets to put the power to use when Joanna goes after Emily in hopes of catching Tommy, but when Luke and Malina show up, things take a terrifying turn and Casper is killed. When Joanna shoots Emily, Tommy stops time and meets his sister for the first time, even if she doesn't know it. 

He quickly transports them to the hospital where he is lectured by Noah for taking off, but when the realize all is not right, Quentin and Phoebe appear and take Tommy to a meeting with Erica at her house. She's made him dinner. 

Carlos breaks into an Evo camp that's owned by Erica and ran by Matt Parkman. Matt forces Carlos to face up to his PTSD. 

Over 7000 years in the future, Miko is walking through a deserted world.

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