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Heels Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Who The Hell Is The Condamned?

The crowd has gone wild with The Condamned. Eddie and Bobby-Pin were in the dark, as was everyone else. They’re angry to have been in such a state, and Willie and Bill try to set them right.

Jack races to Ace with his excitement. Ace considers it a first step.

Gully is angry with the shtick.

Big Jim touches base with Ace. Part of the reason he unretired and came back was to do this with Ace. He wants Ace to stop by and visit his goddaughter. And he can stay the night because he’s babysitting while Jim goes out with his wife.

Crystal tries to get Tanya to stay, but she’s ready to get on the road.

After the match, Ace is surrounded by fans and well-wishers hoping to get his autograph. Rooster and another fella say Gully’s pissed, but Gully’s always pissed.

Gully is in the office sharing his displeasure with the group. Jack said he let Rooster know it might be coming, but Gully doesn’t care. If nothing else, he could have called Gully, but Jack failed to do it.

Gully says it looked like his guys got beat up by a guy named after a nonword. It really irks him that they’re spelling it wrong. Jack apologizes because he doesn’t understand how to work with a partner. Gully says a whole lot of stuff in his anger that’s pretty funny. Find it in quotes.

Bill, Willie, and Jack try to untangle what happened, laughing about Gully’s deep cut pop culture references and note that they have no input about how make this particular situation work.

Bobby is worried about Crystal and Ace.

Crystal wonders when Jack will be trying out women for the new league. Willie thinks she can use the time wisely. When Willie puts down Bobby as dim, Crystal puts her foot down and when Willie says to lighten up, Crystal says how about you don’t tell me to lighten up about you being mean.

Staci mentions the money in then safe thing, and Jack asks if she can step up a bit. They kiss. Staci wonders if things might be falling through the cracks. She tells Jack about what she saw. That woman was the county tax assessor, who comes across as dour and grumpy, but it will be alright.

Gully brings up with Rooster the fact that he knew in advance about The Condamned. Rooster sees things a bit clearer, and the Condamned gimmick is already better than anything else Ace did.

Gully’s daughter has good news. A guy from Hollywood wants to put Dystopia on TV. That lightens the mood considerably.

Crystal visits mom in prison. She tells her what Tanya said about the road and watching out for peepholes. Mom hates that she’s not out there for Crystal. Crystal just wants her home. To change the subject, she tells mom about Bobby.

At church the next day, Ace is in good spirits. Jack tells him about Gully’s desire to host The Condamned at Dystopia. Ace shuts it down. Jack tries to prod Ace into accepting the assignment, but Ace has a whole conversation to shut it down further.

Diego is set up for Bill’s podcast, but he’s in a dour mood. Bill wants to know why he’s pouty pout man pouting. Diego says Bill treats him like a scrub, doing everything to boost his own ego. Bill doesn’t respond. Instead, he changes the name of the podcast to the Wild Bill and Diego Cottonmouth Podcast. Diego is happy.

At Continuum, a guy named Brooks is the one scoping out professional wrestling. His boss hates the sport until she hears that he’s it got 1.9 billion the year prior. Brooks has a boatload of ideas his boss calls optimism mental illness and sends him on his way.

Willie finds Staci caulking windows to keep the AC in the Dome. She passive aggressively brings up the tax assessor, shocked that they pay taxes in cash. Willie says she gets her hands dirty and fixes shit so people like Staci don’t have to worry about it. She and Tom made a deal years ago to keep the place afloat no matter what, and Staci says we’re not doing that anymore. Willie wonders what if knowing stuff means you know the DWL can never keep itself afloat. Or that they didn’t have to pay $100k in taxes because the assessor had a crush on Tom? There’s a lot going on that Staci will never want to know, but if she can fix it, have at it.

Rooster is there on Gully’s behalf. Ace admits that if Jack tells Ace he has to do it, he’ll go back to Dystopia. Jack would rather go down in flames than for Ace to give up his character by going to Dystopia.

Willie suggests throwing Crystal to the wolves, but Ace and Jack are hesitant. Crystal has more faith in Crystal than they do, and she heads down to the ring to talk with her about it.

She does a great job of selling it, adding that she’ll be there to protect her. The door is open, so all Crystal has to do is step through it.

Bobby is so sweet. He tells her God placed her in this moment to shine. She wonders at what point his romance novel android face falls off revealing a monster.

Jack wants to write what happens in the ring and he sells it to Gully by saying Gully will get to punch his in the face. Sold.

Crystal’’s fight goes really well, with her getting booed by the crowd. Gully admits she’s great. How is she with words? He was in Godspell. Willie says, Pipe down, Pippin. Gully says he didn’t do Pippin. Buy the end of the fight, Brooks is really into it. The competitor slinks away, leaving Crystal in the ring alone. Rooster and his entourage are next to arrive with Gully following behind. Gully gets into the ring with Crystal.

Someone brings in a briefcase. Gully wants to be in the Crystal Tyler business. He wants her to sit to hear his pitch. (I can’t tell if this is part of what Jack wrote or not!). She says she deserves it all but no. DWL for life. Instead, Gully brings out a briefcase full of cash and a contract. (Again, I can’t tell if it’s real or not.)

Gully says that she’ll never see the kind of money as long as she’s with the DWL. Everyone climbs into the ring chanting sign sign sign. That brings Jack into the ring. Jack is there to fight along side Crystal, and Crystal picks up a chair and slams it into his back. Gully punches Jack and Crystal signs with Dystopia.

Ace comes flying into the ring. He’s got Jack’s back. They all pile on The Condamned, and the lights go out and the others are on the ground and Jack and Ace are gone. A huge rivalry was born.

Brooks approaches Willie. He wants to know everything there is to know about Crystal and the Spade brothers.

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