Ace is out running. He has gotten a job at Greener Gardens. Harmageddon is coming.
Robin is writing stories for her college applications. Willie says college isn’t even necessary, and Robin asks what’s in her coffee mug. Ted wonders if she wants Robin to be just like her — angry and reactive. He says this house and this family used to be her refuge, but now she’s caged in, staying late at the DWL every night. He says the rules of the house are different than the DWL, and she won’t change to suit them. He’s hardworking and honest and has dedicated his life to supporting her. She missed everything at ever stage their lives, and he’s tired.
Staci is going through the Dome basement. She wants to get organized. Jack will help after the cross promotion is over.
Gully calls for a cross-promotion update. How’s the writing coming? Gully is pleased with his performance at Dystopia, but Jack wonders how he’ll do in Duffy. Their conversation quickly descends into a battle of fuck yous before they hang up.
Brooks gives the update to his boss, Jennifer, about what he experienced. She gives him a new directive to make themselves important and worthy of TV. They need to impress her.
Big Jim is late, and Willie thinks he’s wasting time clearing his head so that any good the ride did is gone. By the ring, Bill is razzing Miles for giving Bobby the chin. After he launches into it, Jim has to weigh in. If they’re not willing to give it their all, give all of their heart, their relentlessness, then they’ll never take it to the next level.
Brooks calls Jack while they’re eating dinner. He delivers the news that Jack and the DWL need to impress his boss to get on the ticket. Jack isn’t confident, but Staci says he impresses people just by walking in the room. Even Charlie Gully is relying on Jack now that he’s gotten a taste of what Jack can accomplish. Look how well he can sell lawn mowers. Just sell what he really loves.
Ace is thrilled with his role at Greener Gardens. He feels useful and like he matters.
Willie pulls Crystal aside after the meeting. She wonders if Crystal gave any thought to Gully’s offer, and she shows her cards when she asks if it was Crystal’s decision or Bobby’s. When Crystal begins a sentence with “sorry,” Crystal goes into a never put others aside at your expense speech. Willie feels short changed in her life, it seems.
Jack really doesn’t want Staci going through the past. He wants her beside him, helping him focus.
Ace is the games man, and he finds a man who isn’t in his right mind and tosses poop all over him.
Gully gets Brooks’s call, and he’s super excited.
Bobby and Crystal are at the doctor’s office for a checkup on his leg. He’s nervous, but she thinks it will be OK despite the fact that these offices are set up to make people nervous. The doctor, though, has bad news. He needs complicated surgery.
Ace shows up with his horrifying experience, but Jack needs to focus on impressing the woman tomorrow. Ace says a dopey arena doesn’t mean shit, just like shit in your mouth doesn’t matter for more than a minute. The DWL is about the people.
Ace asks for a legal pad. He knows how they’re going to do it. They’re going to shoot a promo showing just who they are. Everyone gets a part, and it brings up a lot of emotions for each of them.
When Bill and Willie get ready to do their part, she shares with Bill that she’s afraid her past mistakes are catching up with her, and there’s no way to escape. Her feelings for Tom made her blur the lines between right and wrong. Maybe she should leave.
They’re going to have a big pot luck to show their visitors what Duffy and the DWL is all about. The place is fully decorated. Staci is so impressed and never realized how much people loved this place until she started spending more time here.
The party at The DWL is in full swing, and they needed to leave 40 minutes ago to make it to Georgia. When it seems like she’s ready to leave, Gully sends in Rooster to sell the DWL. He compares them to people’s greatest fears. They are their church. It’s about survival and spectacle. They tap into human emotion, fear and pain.
Jen wonders where The Condamned and Crystal Tyler are, but she doesn’t make a move to leave the venue.
Ace talks with Crystal, apologizing for breaking Bobby’s leg and wondering if what they had was real love.
When Bill steps a side, Staci confronts Bill. What do they owe him? How much did he give Tom? What did Willie do for Tom to get them into trouble? She knows that nobody is going to buy the DWL with the amount of debt they have. If Bill had any money left to give, he’d give it. She’s worried about what will happen when Jack finds out about their current state of affairs. Bill doesn’t want her to tell Jack about any of it. He’s just happy to be back here and building the DWL with them.
Jen is a jerk. She won’t leave the party. She wants the DWL to email their presentation and for Gully to get Crystal and Ace down there right now. He calls Willie to make it happen. He plays on her worst fears and then opens his purse strings.
Gully asks if he should give Jen another mojito or if he should remind her to get on the road to get to Duffy. She says nothing and he decides to go with another drink.
Jack delivers the bad news to everyone and confides in Bill, who says send the email. Their effort is all they can control, and how that effort is received is out of their hands. They decide to play the promo.
There is laughter and there are tears both on screen and off as they share their message of acceptance and courage.
Jack and Ace aren’t down and out. It’s just more fuel to kick ass at the cross promotion. Fuck the big time.
Jack and Staci talk at home about what a great night they had. Their promo reminded Jack of what makes them special. But Staci is far away in her thoughts. She reveals there is stuff in those boxes that are not very good, including some weird stuff, deliberately shady stuff. She thinks Tom did stuff that can destroy everything they’ve rebuilt. Jack says, I hate him.