Dave really did kill the Colorado Kid.
Well, at least Dave's body did, thanks to a temporary thinnie, the very thing we learned on Haven Season 5 Episode 20 is needed to save Haven in the present.
"Just Passing Through" was a really great hour that revisited the heart of Haven, including the mystery that got the entire thing started.

It's always a pleasure seeing Emily Rose playing one of the other characters who has come through the Barn, and this was no exception.
It feels like it has been so long since we have touched base with Lucy and the Colorado Kid. Did we know Garland Wuornos had a thing with Lucy? For some reason, that came as a surprise to me. It probably shouldn't have, as the character, in all of her lives, seemed to know exactly the right people to hang with to help her with the Troubles.
Garland would be just as obvious as Nathan. However, the Sheriff must have been very careful not to allow her to cross into his personal life, or surely Nathan would have remembered Lucy much differently when he met her as Audrey as an adult.
I'm glad that Garland looked into Butterworth's credentials. It proved he was good at his job. While it made sense he might not have recognized his boy as an adult, it also made sense that Vince couldn't pull the wool over Dave's eyes. It's too bad Vince had to allow his brother to go through the trauma of being inhabited by Croatoan and then killing the Colorado Kid.
It really was devastating watching that entire scene play out, especially Nathan and Lucy standing in the brush across the beach, unable to do anything lest the entire future be changed. Kudos to them both for understanding enough about their situation that they could sit back and watch their son's life be taken in front of them.
It's bittersweet, a real answer to who killed the Colorado Kid. That beach, the Colorado Kid…it started it all. It was the big mystery that went unsolved and around which everything else was hanging for so long. It was Stephen King's book. And now that it's solved, it really feels like we're heading toward the end. Which we are, indeed, doing.
Heck, even Duke's storyline FINALLY has a purpose. Did we need all of the men in black infiltrating his motel room? Was it just a little over the top? Yes, yes it was. But there was a purpose!
Congrats on the little photographer kid, who grew up to be kinda cute. And to have a successful business thanks to his desire to follow Duke. Hopefully, when the shroud lifts, that won't go away. To think, it was all so Nathan could have his SOS letter delivered over 30 years later.
At least Duke still remembers Haven outside the shroud. It would have been a real struggle if he walked outside and forgot it like everyone else.
I was unclear…do they need her to create the thinnie in order to get the controller to build the barn, or can they start building the barn without her and then use it when she gets there? I admit it, once they announced they were going back in time, I kinda got wrapped up in the nostalgia factor and let myself enjoy it more than listening to the details. Whoops.
So what about you guys? Were you glad to go back in time again? Surprised the Colorado Kid mystery is wrapped up? What do you expect to happen before the series winds to a close? Chat with me, even if it's to tell me what I missed!
I'll be here again for Haven Season 5 Episode 21, "Close to Home," when Duke returns with Hayley and warns Nathan not to go through the thinnie into the Void because he pictured hell on earth when Nathan didn't come back out in a troubling vision. Nathan goes anyway and runs into William! That should be fun.
And don't forget, you can always watch Haven online if you need to catch up.