Harry, Cassie and Oliver defended a young mother accused of euthanizing her severely ill infant this week, while Tommy and Adam fought the good fight for an Iraq veteran quirw deserving a purple heart.
It seemed Harry’s Law was in the business of delivering legal miracles on “Purple Hearts,” wasn’t it?

While the episode succeeded at pulling the heart strings, I found I was less welcoming of the social commentaries that dominated the hour.
I sincerely appreciated the addition of Josh Braaten to the cast. He’s been making the rounds as a guest star, and just when I’d forgotten about his time on The Mentalist, here he was guest starring on Harry’s Law.
Other than that, his presence wasn’t the focus of the episode, aside from being the defendant’s husband in the mercy killing case. Slightly disappointing, but clearly necessary.
That said, did anyone else see that Nurse O’Malley clearly had something to do with the death from the beginning? I knew that from the first time she appeared on the stand. I appreciated how sideways things had to go for Harry. Her overcoming the obstacles was clearly what made the entire case an exercise in courage, but it was a little predictable.
Another thing I wasn’t pleased with was the blatant dismissal of Harry’s birthday. Way to make a case out of it, really. It couldn’t have been any less subtle. It was an interesting way to introduce the companion storyline, but to make that man a clown (that’s a social commentary if I’ve ever seen one) and then to have him be completely humiliated was a bit much.
It continues to get more difficult for me to forgive this new direction that Harry’s Law has taken. If the change has kept it on the air longer, great. But if there was any possibility we could slip back into the genuineness of season one, I would take that in a second.
Perhaps the one thing that really redeemed this episode for me was Tommy Jefferson. Yes, he single-handedly rescued this entire episode.
Understanding the motivation behind Tommy’s fervor in acquiring the veteran’s purple heart was a very nice touch. I teared up a little bit. Tommy really loved his father and was proud. He stopped being the clown that caused his colleagues injury when he failed to hold the ladder for those last few minutes of the episode. It was quite a redeeming moment.
Couldn’t appreciate the episode as a whole as much as I would have liked, but it was another solid installment. What did you think?