What did a 21-year old dying and in need of a kidney have to do with twin widowers accused of killing their husband? Leave it to Harry’s Law to make the social issue connection on this week’s episode, “New Kidney on the Block.”

A lot of words got thrown around on tonight’s episode: “moral,” “coercion,” and, my personal favorite, “depraved.”
If there’s one thing Hoseanna Roseanna Remick excels at, it’s making other people appear less than human. She couldn’t stop using the final word to describe the admittedly unorthodox relationship that Nicole and Laila Wayland shared with their older husband.
Surprisingly, it was a term the judge was all but used to describe the desperate life and death situation surrounding Jimmy, who faced only six more months on this earth absent a transplant. I was heartbroken for both Jimmy and his potential donor.
Is it depraved to allow the sale and trade of kidneys in a non-black market and regulated setting if it means more people end up alive and well? That’s way beyond the scope of this reviewer’s expertise, but it sure made for some really interesting comparisons and realizations.
I can always appreciate Harry’s Law for its ability to make you really think about the content of the case, which is usually knee deep in legal or even political theory.
The real tear-jerker was that they couldn’t save Jimmy, who so affectionately referred to Harry as “moms.” You don’t really see that many people who have taken to Harry such that they bestow affectionate titles on her, ones that reach past respect and border on familial. It was different and welcomed. I wished we could see more relatives on the show of any member of the cast.
That said, it’s clear I’m still in favor of seeing some more individual character development for the main cast, which we’ve seen at least a few steps towards in the past few weeks.
Overall, it was another solid, if sad, episode of Harry’s Law. In a lot of ways that’s good news because Harry’s Law won’t be back until its new move to Sundays at 9 p.m. on March 11.
What did you think of this week’s episode? Sound off below!