On Hannibal Season 3 Episode 13, The Red Dragon has captured Reba. However, struggling to fight the urges of The Red Dragon, Dolarhyde decides to burn Reba alive to avoid giving her to The Dragon, and shoots himself in order to avoid watching. Reba escapes and tells Will what happened.
Will goes to Hannibal to tell him that the Dragon had committed suicide. Hannibal tries to dissuade Will from going back to his life, but Will rejects him and says goodbye. Upon return to his motel room, Will is attacked by The Dragon, who faked his suicide.
Dolarhyde speaks with Will, wanting to share his Becoming with someone. Will shows Dolarhyde that they've both been betrayed by Hannibal, and Dolarhyde asks to meet him. At the FBI, Will convinces Jack to fake Hannibal's escape as bait to catch The Red Dragon, without telling him of their encounter. He then tells Bedelia about the plan, who becomes terrified.
Alana visits Chilton, who wants revenge against Hannibal. She then tells Hannibal the plan to use him as bait, but he stipulates that he'll only do it if Will asks and says please. Alana, Jack and Will discuss the plan, and the end goal to kill Hannibal and Dolarhyde.
Hannibal's transport is arranged, but is intercepted by Dolarhyde, who kills the entire envoy but leaves Will and Hannibal alive and allows them to escape. Jack arrives to the scene too late, and Alana leaves town with her family.
Hannibal takes Will to the house where he kept Miriam Lass and Abigail, where Francis Dolarhyde attacks them. Dolarhyde attempts to kill Hannibal but is thwarted by Will, and Hannibal and Will kill Dolarhyde together. They embrace, and Will pulls Hannibal over a cliff with him.