Joe shows the team his Comet commercial. What are you looking for? It’s a new way of connecting. A new way of being.
Comet is no longer a journey on the way to something else, but they are a destination.
Cameron helped them make the relaunch what it is, and this day is the last she’ll be there as it is relaunch day.
Joe gives a beautiful speech remembering the importance of the Clark family, tears in his eyes.
Joanie is traveling, going overseas to stay in hostels. She turns down a Louis Vitton wallet, offering her sister the keys to her civic and her old license.
Donna begs her to stay, but Joanie says it’s bullshit, secretly hiding a smile on her face.
A fully bearded John Bosworth is at the doctor’s office for a checkup. Despite the fact John’s blood pressure is 107/110, he’s sent on his way to live well into the 21st centure without the need for a return visit.
He feels like he’s been given a ticket to the moon, if the music is any indication. The way he repeats 21st Century confirms it.
Joe asks Cameron for one more favor. Can she tear apart the Comet code so they can have the fastest product on Netscape? He bribes her with a standalone Centipede game, and she reluctantly agrees.
Donna wanted the summer with the girls, but it’s been four months and now that one of their girls is pregnant, it’s time for her to either take the managing partner job or allow them to move onto another candidate.
Diane is moved to learn John is going to be OK. He’s been so fascinated to learn he’s going to see jet packs that he didn’t think about how his clean bill of health would affect her.
Alexa gets the copy of Netscape for Cameron. Cameron promises it’s seriously the last thing she’ll be doing and looks sadly at Joe in his office.
Cam and Joe have dinner with Donna and Haley, discussing their most disgusting dinners ever. Joe can’t help but notice Haley has disappeared into herself again and isn’t participating in the discussion.
Haley perks up only when Cameron asks about Joanie, and Haley talks about her big sister’s travels. When Donna reveals Joanie only talked to Haley, Joe lets the women talk and takes Haley into the other room to show her the commercial.
Haley hates everything. She hates that her dad is dead, that Joe made the commercial, that he wants to lunch and catch up, that he put her in the commercial without asking, that he took something she made and made it his own and only thinks about money and everything else. Joe is torn apart and wants to pull the ad.
Donna and Haley connect after the dinner, laughing over Donna’s excessive swimming.
Donna helps Bos fix the Cardiff radio he found in Diane’s garage. She wonders why the rush, and he reveals he’s been thinking about his father who died seven years earlier than the age he is now.
Haley is at the restaurant jamming in the car, working up the confidence to ask out the girl she’s crushing on. She asks her to Natural Born Killers in a terrifying way only to leave the restaurant crying. Life is full of disappointments, and she just experienced her first.
Bos has the garage cleaned and organized. Now he wants to do some actual living with his wife. They begin dancing to the Cardiff radio.
While they’re getting closer to what Comet should be, Cameron and Joe discover Yahoo. They’re on Netscape’s toolbar. Comet doesn’t exist. Just then, Gordon’s watch alarm goes off, and Joe smashes the office door to get the watch.
There is little sleeping in their house that night. Between Cameron’s email to Alexa and Yahoo, it’s stressful, still, they face each other, hold hands and begin to make love. The tears streaming down Cameron’s face prove it’s more than just another night between two lovers.
The next morning, Cameron breaks up with Joe. He admits it was alway her. The thing.
Donna shows up at the office to a round of applause.
Haley gets onto her computer and begins working. On Yahoo?
Joe plays Centipede with glassy eyes.
Tripp gives Donna the news about Comet and Yahoo. She thinks any company called Yahoo with a question mark is hilarious, and brings Tripp in on the joke. She kind of goes a little bit nuts, laughing her ass off at work.