This was exactly the Greek I had been waiting for all season. There was witty banter, a party, and all of the core characters in one room. It was classic Greek and it felt good.
As proven on “Midnight Clear,” there is nothing like a snow storm to make you face your issues and there could not have been a more fun place than Dobblers for all the awkward questions and kisses.

I know that best friends fight, but I was so over the Casey/Ashleigh argument. With all the relationships that go on in this show, Casey and Ash’s friendship is at the heart and needs to stay that way.
As for Rusty and Ashleigh… Rashleigh? Both of these characters are great, but I’m not sure I can get on board with the romance and tension going on between them. It just doesn’t seem natural.
It is a little awkward to watch, kind of like they’re brother and sister. I’m intrigued by the possibility for now of Simon and want to see this explored a little more. Besides, how hilarious was it when everyone watched Ash kiss the professor? Classic.
This episode also marked the return of Evan being more than his usual cocky self. We saw him being the rude, selfish jerk we had gotten to know a few years ago. Obviously, no one is supposed to like this version of Evan, but I can’t help enjoy the nostalgia as the final semester comes to an end. (Side note: it was about time Rebecca got her spine back!)
I was excited when Dale decided to pledge and it felt as though he would be getting his own, real story. The arc was supposed to be funny, but it’s having a hard time holding my interest.
Needless to say, Calvin’s 21st birthday was probably not his best birthday, but it was a great one for the viewers. This was a solid hour, bringing back that first season feeling, while setting up legit storylines for the end of the show. The only thing that could have made it better for me would be some Catherine and Beaver time.
What did you think, TV Fanatics? Would you rather see Ash with Simon or Rusty? Glad Rebecca kicked Evan to the curb? What do you want to happen in the second half of the season? Do you believe in the law school curse?