It’s so hard to say goodbye…
After four years, it was finally time to bid farewell to Greek this week, the show that let us live out some of our own college fantasies and left us excited us for each impending semester. It was definitely a bittersweet ending, so let’s reminisce over “Legacy.”

As reality sunk in all around, the hour was filled with difficult decisions. Sure, there were a few holes in the storylines (i.e. tearing tear down the KT house without some more warning to those who lived there, or Casey just picking up and leaving law school behind). But who really cares, the final semester has ended and it definitely did not fail.
Let me be the first to admit: when the letters were falling and the KT house was coming down, I couldn’t help tearing up with the characters. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one… right?
The finale did so many things right – there was nods back to the first season and also some familiar faces. Wade, Jen K, Lisa Lawson, and even Officer Huck were on hand for the protest. It was awesome. Even more awesome? Catherine’s speech about why KT was important to her.
After the demolition of the Kappa Tau house (a legacy in itself), everything worked out for the best. There were new couples, rekindling of romances, and some relationships that had proven they are solid and meant to be. Let’s discuss.
Looks like Dale has finally met the future Mrs. Kettlewell! Heath and Calvin kept their adorable relationship together, as they prepare for a semester abroad. And Ash made the first move to start up her romance with Rusty. I was pretty skeptical about these two, but the season won me over with the buildup of a friendship into a relationship.
Rebecca and Evan may not have officially gotten back together, but there is a definite future with them. I see them as a perfect fit.
Casey and Cappie, meanwhile… These two have been at the center of the show over the past four seasons and even Evan recognized this is “as it should be.” Here is hoping we have more of Spencer Grammer and Scott Michael Foster on TV future. (Like here, for example.)
Other thoughts:
- Love that Rebecca and Dale have a friendship after their catty fights earlier in the season and that Rusty is the new KT president.
- Anyone else flash back to The OC when “Forever Young” was playing in the background?
- How sweet was the scene between Rusty and Casey?
- What did you think of Captain John Paul Jones?
This is it, the end at Cyprus Rhodes. What did you think of the series finale? Are you going to miss Greek or was it time to graduate and move on?