On Graceland Season 3 Episode 6 Mike dabbles in sarin gas. No, that's not a typo.
For one glorious moment, Briggs was talking sense. He and Mike discuss the side effects of sarin gas (you don't want to know). Briggs decides they need to inform the Bureau and Homeland Security. It's time to bring in the big dogs. Team Graceland is in way over their heads.

Cheers for Briggs! Enthusiastic thumbs up fella. Logic is your friend. Embrace the reason. Until Mike says (and I'm paraphrasing), "But Briggs, my birds led us to this case. I have to follow it through. Because of the birds. And the clock. Did I mention the birds?"
At which point, Briggs says, "Okay!" (and no I'm not paraphrasing). Mike proceeds to investigate SARIN GAS. I realize this show is fictional, and thank heavens for small favors, but speaking as an American citizen I would like any and all law enforcement to immediately contact the FBI and Homeland Security if you happen upon sarin gas in the back of some fool's trunk. Please and thank you. My tax dollars should at least guarantee that much competence.
As a side note, to any and all law enforcement now investigating my home computer because I had to Google how to spell "sarin gas," I am but a lowly television reviewer and mother. That's right, I don't even know how to spell it! No evil plots cooking here. Move it along.
Mike does make progress with Gusti. Johnny arrests Gusti and Mike for a shakedown. Johnny tries to get Mike to flip on Gusti, which he refuses. This convinces Gusti of Mike's loyalty. He offers Mike some real intel.
Gusti made a deal online — the deal Mike found. He sent a photo to a PO box and in exchange received a prepaid cell. The shipment arrived at port and Gusti put it in his trunk. He had no idea it is sarin gas. He only knew there was a $50,000 pay out upon delivery.
Unfortunately, during lock up he missed the phone call. Mike is staying glued to Gusti's side for the next call. There is something completely adorable about Gusti. He's a sarin gas toting moron, but a lovable one.
This was some nice detective work on Mike's part. He's putting the pieces of his bird puzzle together. He's at the top of his game, too. Especially since nothing ever goes wrong on Graceland.
HA! Nice try. Mike is popping, and apparently smoking, oxy pills. Yes, our dear Mike is higher than a kite while investigating SARIN GAS. I'm going to capitalize that until these agents give it the gravity it deserves.
Did you not hear the side effects, Mike? They are all kinds of gross and unpleasant. The American public would like to avoid it. Put the pills down, buddy. Step away, go to rehab and CALL HOMELAND SECURITY. Screw the birds. Rock crushes scissors.
Mike is busted anyway. House Mama, that's Charlie to any new Graceland fans, finds the twenty missing oxy pills. Not only is Mike a junkie, he's a stupid junkie. Quite frankly, I'm surprised it took Charlie this long to notice the missing pills.
Paige: So you like it rough?
🔗 permalink: So you like it rough?
In happier news, Paige didn't screw up this week. Yeah! She's in deep with the Sarkissians now — Torros has a crush on her. Great. The upside is Paige beat the snot out of him. This is Graceland, okay? We take our upside where we can get it.
Ari: Jesus Christ Guy, I’m gonna get you a bicycle. I promise. I always keep my promises.
🔗 permalink: Jesus Christ Guy, I’m gonna get you a bicycle. I promise. I always keep my promises.
I know he's a serial killer and evil, but Ari had the line of the night. I was cracking up. Then I felt bad because he's a serial killer and evil. I suppose everyone has layers. Right?
Even Dale saw some action in "Sidewinder." He killed an alligator with an AK 47. Or what I think is an AK 47. I don't know my guns. (To any and all law enforcement officials, I just Googled AK 47. Totally innocent.)
Given what happened to Cecil the lion, it was cringe worthy, but the alligator did not die in vain. Dale made a deal carrying a life sentence if they bust the swamp drug dealers. Please Graceland, let Charlie and Dale bust the swamp drug dealers.
Do you think Briggs and Mike have lost their minds more than usual? Does Paige's help with the Sarkissians help redeem her? Share your thoughts below! If you missed the episode and need to catch up you can watch Graceland online.