It's hard to believe that Gotham is almost over.
Gotham Season 5 has moved fast as we prepare to say our final goodbye and Gotham Season 5 Episode 11 was no different.
It was an incredible hour where issues were resolved to set up the Gotham of the future with Batman as the City's Dark Knight.
Bane and Nyssa were intent on destroying Gotham and weren't about to let anything get in their way.
But they didn't realize that the people of Gotham weren't going to sit back without a fight — and that includes Oswald and Ed.
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Ed didn't want to help at first. He had every intention of leaving Gotham in the submarine.
But Penguin's heart and soul are deeply embedded in Gotham, and he was staying to fight.

He was disappointed in Ed, but he understood why Ed wanted to leave.
And he was pleasantly surprised when Ed changed his mind after hearing Oswald's stirring speech to Jim about why he was staying behind to fight.
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Ed probably wasn't going to leave anyway after he and Penguin said their goodbyes on the dock. Ed wouldn't want to venture into a new world by himself.
Besides, Penguin had a point. Gotham is their city. Their home.

Jim was surprised but needed every man available to fight Bane and the army, but they were outnumbered.
What was great was how organic Penguin's eye injury happened so that he would eventually become the classic Penguin with the eyepatch.
Jim: Surprised you’re still here. Figured you’d be long gone by now. That storm you’ve warned me about for so long? It’s finally here.
Oswald: We’ve shared some turbulent times you and I.
Jim: That we have.
Oswald: When you spared my life on the pier that day, banished me from Gotham, that was the most lost I’ve ever been. Because I was away from the City, you see? It’s part of me. You know what I’m talking about because it’s part of you, too. Sure, I could escape, with money, I might add, but then what? Stand on the shores and then watch the army burn it to the ground? Then watch tasteless industrialists and vapid politicians rebuild it? No. My life is etched on the walls of every alley and dirty warehouse here. My blood lives in its broken concrete. I’m staying to fight. For my legacy.
🔗 permalink: When you spared my life on the pier that day, banished me from Gotham, that was the most lost…
Neither expected the grenade that went off close by them in the middle of the firefight, and Ed's reaction to Penguin's eye injury was hilarious.
Poor Penguin. He had no idea that his eye was completely gone.
But what was more irritating for them both was that after everyone retreated, Penguin and Ed were left behind.
They were abandoned by Gordon and the GCPD.
Penguin didn't take kindly to the fact. He knew they would never receive the recognition or the respect they deserved after Gotham finally got saved from ultimate destruction.

And, of course, they blamed it all on Jim Gordon.
Not only that, but Nyssa had stolen their submarine and their money. They knew they'd have to start over again and neither of them were thrilled.
Ed didn't give two flying hoots about recognition. He's been there, done that, and he only wanted power.
Nyssa: My father made his name destroying empires. Now it’s my turn.
🔗 permalink: My father made his name destroying empires. Now it’s my turn.
He's still uneasy about Penguin and his flakiness, but the tide is going to turn.
While Ed learned much of his trade from Penguin, it's now time for Oswald to learn from Riddler how a real criminal acts.
They formed an uneasy pact which will put them front and center in Gotham's criminal underworld.

Jim finally became commissioner after successfully defeating Bane and Wade's army.
Jim deserved the position as he never gave up hope for Gotham, something Penguin reminded him of earlier.
It's hard to believe that he and Bullock will no longer be partners, but Jim will have a new partner once Bruce returns as Batman.
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Bruce and Selina did their part to save Gotham by destroying Wayne Enterprises to buy the good guys time to prepare for the final fight.
Plus, we got to see one of Batman's new gadgets in action when he used the transponder to summon the bats that attacked Bane. It was a very cool scene.
If Bruce hadn't left, he and Selina would have become a thing, but then the crazy dance of Catwoman and Batman in the future would never take place.

Selina wasn't too happy that Bruce left, and she'll make him pay at some point.
But we all know they'll eventually get together because that's just the way it is and rightfully so.
I'd love to see how Catwoman enters into the criminal underworld with Penguin and Riddler, and hope we see how it comes about on the final episode.
Jim: What should I call her.
Barbara: Barbara.
Jim: Oh.
Barbara: Barbara Lee Gordon. In this city, it’s important she knows who she can rely on.
🔗 permalink: Barbara Lee Gordon. In this city, it’s important she knows who she can rely on.
To my surprise, Barbara didn't die. And I hope she doesn't, either.
What was surprising was that she had decided to name her and Jim's daughter, Barbara.
But Babs wasn't egotistical, even if Jim might have thought it but left it unexpressed.

Baby Gordon's name is Barbara Lee Gordon. Barbara's tribute to Lee was beautiful, and so were her words to Jim that their daughter will know who on whom she can rely.
While I always wanted Jim and Barbara to end up together, the story got crafted perfectly.
Barbara understood how valuable Lee was and realized that she was the perfect woman for Jim.

Maybe it was motherhood that changed Babs, but bravo on how she handled herself with Lee.
And I love the idea of them all being a happy family together.
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Hopefully, Barbara changes her ways. It's always possible with Lee's guidance.
It was amazing how in awe Barbara was of Lee when she decided she was going to stand by Jim's side and fight.

It inspired Barbara enough to move her to convince all the refugees that they too should fight for their city.
How great was it when the army turned on Bane? It gave me chills.
Bane and Nyssa are still in the game and will be sure to cause Jim problems in the future, but they're going to have a bigger challenge to deal with when Bruce returns as Batman.
Penguin and Riddler won't tolerate Nyssa in their midst either considering she took what was theirs. They'll be seeking revenge for sure.
Alfred is alive but didn't have much to do this hour except recover from the injuries he sustained from Bane. He was sad to see Bruce go, but somewhere deep inside he knows Bruce will be back.
And so do we.

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Over to you!
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How do you want it to end?
Will all our favorites survive?
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