All roads led to Vegas on Franklin & Bash Season 4 Episode 10 as one couple got back together, another fizzled out before they'd begun, and Infeld may have found the end of his road.
Infeld Stanton believed he was going to die but he'd forgotten his cufflinks. Or was he really hoping the boys would find a way to detour his destiny? Either way, Stanton summoned Peter and Jared to Vegas on a mysterious mission to bring him his briefcase. Did he need the $150,000 in cash or the passports? No. He'd forgotten his cufflinks and he wanted to make sure he was buried in them.
When Stanton explained that at nine-years-old he was given a reading by a fortune teller who swore he would be killed by a fish at age 66, I couldn't help but smile when Jared told him in this Franklin & Bash quote…
Jared: My ninth birthday all I got was the Milenium Falcon with the stowaway bay.
🔗 permalink: My ninth birthday all I got was the Milenium Falcon with the stowaway bay.
I'm totally jealous over that gift!
But their night in Vegas took a turn when Dan helped them hit that jackpot at blackjack, and then got them arrested because he was counting cards. The ensuing court case was silly fun as they proved the casino targeted Dan whom has grown on me over the course of this season.
Back home, Damien and Anita were ready to jump into a personal relationship but given Damien's history of sleeping with other employees, they decided to clear things with HR first. And while they waited for the paperwork to process, they took on an intellectual property case. Can a sex toy really be considered intellectual property? Can a mold of man's penis actually be copyrighted? These are questions you will only hear argued on Franklin & Bash.
But by the end of their legal arguments, this almost couple was barely speaking to one another. Between Anita's temper and Damien's penchant for snark, I can't really see a future that doesn't end with the two of them hating one another.
Then there's Jared and Swatello. As cute as Bonnie was last week, I love Jared and Swatello. While Jared was pondering whether or not she could be the one, Peter pointed out that she was about to be the one that got away.
Their reconciliation at the end was a scene I'd been looking forward to all season.
Jared: I want to make this work.
Swatello: So do I, but like adults.
Jared: Let’s not get crazy.
🔗 permalink: Let’s not get crazy.
Now that Jared's made a commitment, I have no doubt he'll want to skip running of to Austin to work at The Chive, no matter how cool it sounds but Peter's still in party mode.
With Stanton choking on a goldfish cracker and Peter waiting for red or black to determine his future, could this be the end of Franklin & Bash?
You'll definitely want to watch Franklin & Bash online here at TV Fanatic.