Henry, a man who pledged forever – literally – to finding out what happened to his wife, finally got some answers on Forever Season 1 Episode 21.
Those answers were hard to digest, no doubt, but also provided closure for both Henry and Abe.
"The Night In Question" was an excellent installment of this fledgling series. My only wish is that it had come earlier in the season.
The trouble with Forever isn't Ioan Gruffudd. It isn't Alana de la Garza. And it certainly isn't Judd Hirsch.
The trouble with Forever is that the network has treated it like the red-headed stepchild of Tuesday nights, airing it so infrequently and irregularly that viewers send up the praises of their DVRs on the weeks when it airs. Just last week I went downstairs with my laptop ready to work only to turn the TV on and find that Forever wasn't airing that night.
I know, I know. Silly of me not to know, right? But seriously.
Why is it so hard to air two (or three or four) episodes consecutively instead of jerking the schedule around so that no one can find the show? If this show fails, and let's be real, it's totally and completely on the bubble, it will be because no one knew when to tune in.
FYI: Forever Season 1 Episode 22 airs May 5th. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Rant aside, tonight was a great installment which not only filled in some of the blanks of Henry's life but also provided him with a decent amount of closure.
No longer does he have to wonder if Abigail fell out of love and left him, if she couldn't handle their age discrepancy in public, if she didn't want to let Henry see her as she aged, likely becoming dependent on him for her care. So she ran away. That seemed the easiest and most logical choice for her back in 1985, never minding the fact that leaving actually made both Henry and Abe feel as if they'd been abandoned.
It was touching to learn that Abigail had realized she couldn't live without Henry and wanted him to come live with her there in the cottage, growing flowers and being a nurse-doctor pair, dancing until their feet fell off. She died before she was able to see that wish come true, but she died saving Henry from one she believed meant to do him harm:
Adam was at the center of Abigail's death. (And Belinda Smoot's…)
He knew that Abigail knew something about Henry, but she opted to take her own life rather than risk exposing the love of her life to whatever it was Adam had planned.
Adam is a very neutral character, neither good nor bad. After all, he did TRY to help Abigail when she was dying in front of him. Lately, I'm starting to feel sort of bad for the guy. He wants answers and he wants not to be alone. Isn't that what we all want?
Now that Abigail's mystery has been solved, there's room for Henry to move on. He can finally put that part of his life behind him. He'll never forget Abigail but knowing she's gone will bring him closure.
This closure will inevitably lead him to Jo. I'm kind of excited to see that.
What did you think of "The Night In Question"? Does no one in that precinct believe in vacations? If you want to see the discovery of Abigail Morgain yourself, you can always watch Forever online!