The Svenssons covered another controversial case –vaccinations.
Sometimes, I think the term "family law" is used loosely since all these cases concern families. Some used the shock and awe factor more.
An old friend of Abby's, Elaine, needed a lawyer on Family Law Season 1 Episode 8 because her ex-husband demanded their daughter get vaccinated.

Since the pandemic began in 2020, there have been debates about vaccines. Generally, we watch television to escape, so it was tiresome to watch a fictional court case debate an issue we've been hearing about for over two years.
While taking from current events was understandable, it's sometimes too much.

Elaine was so outspoken. While she had a point that her daughter Talia should say goodbye to her grandpa in Germany before he died, her ex only wanted Talia vaccinated before they traveled.
Abby: So she’s not vaccinated yet?
Elaine: I would never let my child be injected with that poison.
🔗 permalink: I would never let my child be injected with that poison.
While Abby didn't seem thrilled with this case, she and Harry agreed that everyone deserved representation. Daniel seemed hostile to Elaine from the beginning and made it clear he didn't want to be there.
Daniel thought Elaine should get Talia vaccinated and save everyone the hassle of a court case. Elaine was convinced her ex-husband wanted to keep controlling her and admitted her baby sister died after getting vaccinated, so she couldn't bear to lose her daughter.
Daniel: How can you be friends with an anti-vaxxer?
Abby: Don’t call her that!
🔗 permalink: Don’t call her that!

Since Daniel refused to help, Abby took Cecil with her to get information from the only doctor they could find with an anti-vax position. Abby only wanted to use his research on how vaccinations aggravate eczema and autoimmune disorders.
Cecil took his research to heart and was worried that his vaccinations may have caused his learning delays. As Abby reassured him that science and vaccinations were safe, you could tell she was fed up with this case too.
Even though Abby didn't feel comfortable with this case, she wanted to win, especially when she was pitted against Frank again and had the judge who witnessed her drunken incident in court.
Abby presented evidence that they were considering the child and didn't want Talia's eczema to worsen and that she needed to say goodbye to her dying grandpa.

Abby: Some decisions need to stay in the family. Aren’t we all entitled to health freedom? Her grandfather is dying and their flight leaves in three days.
🔗 permalink: Some decisions need to stay in the family. Aren’t we all entitled to health freedom? Her…
Things got messy as soon as the judge granted that Elaine and Talia could travel to Germany if they stayed away from the measles outbreak. I felt for Talia watching her parents fight over her like a ping-pong ball.
Abby tried to stop it since she learned how her children felt during her separation.
To make matters worse, when Frank appealed the case, this time Elaine's ex-husband won, but she maintained that everyone was against her when Abby tried to reason with her.
Abby: Just get her vaccinated, Elaine. I know it’s scary. Then, take her to see her Opa.
Elaine: How could you? How dare you? You’re supposed to be on my side.
🔗 permalink: How could you? How dare you? You’re supposed to be on my side.

Abby had to set some boundaries, even if it meant losing a friend. She understood that it's difficult having your parenting choices questioned, but you have to do what's best for your child.
Elaine: I can’t kidnap my own daughter!
Abby: For once, we’ll disagree. You’ll lose custody. How much help do you think you’ll be to Talia from a jail cell?
🔗 permalink: For once, we’ll disagree. You’ll lose custody. How much help do you think you’ll be to Talia…
When Elaine tried to run off to Germany with Talia, that was violating a custody plan. Elaine wasn't thinking straight, and she was lucky her daughter and ex-husband were more mature than she was.
Her extreme views could have cost her her family.

Since Harry hadn't named Daniel partner in the firm yet and kept handing Abby more responsibility, Daniel made everyone's lives miserable. While some of it was understandable, he acted like a sulky teenager around his siblings.
Harry: I won’t coddle him.
Jerri: An unhappy Daniel is bad for business.
🔗 permalink: An unhappy Daniel is bad for business.
While Harry seemed to favor his daughters, giving Abby more cases even though she was on probation, Harry also valued money. He might have accepted Crystal or Elaine's claims even though he disagreed with them if it brought the firm cash.
Abby: You’ve been completely unprofessional!
Daniel: I’ve been unprofessional? You violate our code of conduct on a daily basis. You showed up to court drunk. You changed the entire culture of our firm. Ever since you’ve arrived, I hate coming to the office. We defend the Crystal Steele’s of the world now and the anti-vaxxers.
🔗 permalink: I’ve been unprofessional? You violate our code of conduct on a daily basis. You showed up to…
Even though Daniel has worked at the firm a long time, Harry tried to meet him halfway by offering him a compromise and suggesting they revisit the promotion. Hopefully, this father and son can repair their relationship.

Surprisingly, Nico was the problem child this time. He got caught using Harry's calligraphy pen and forging signatures at school.
It almost seemed like Abby and Frank didn't take it seriously. Nico served his suspension at the Svensson law offices, playing cards with Nina.
Grandpa Harry almost beamed with pride at his grandson's business skills when he heard Nico charged money per a signature.
Harry: It’s not easy to forge a signature. That’s a real talent.
🔗 permalink: It’s not easy to forge a signature. That’s a real talent.
However, Abby and Frank agreed that they needed to parent jointly from now on after that incident. I wonder if Nico did it to get the attention of both parents and spend more time with his mom.

Maggie and Lucy's marriage included so many issues, and I don't see it lasting. They were raised with different values, such as Maggie looking at Lucy's cell phone. Even married couples should have some privacy.
While Lucy was freaked out about Maggie seeing texts from Asha, there still needed to be some privacy. Do married couples share their passcodes for everything? I don't.
When Lucy needed advice, Abby softened and admitted it was best to find out about a one-night stand from her partner. It hurts worse any other way.
Abby: I would have found out. These things always come out eventually.
🔗 permalink: I would have found out. These things always come out eventually.
Lucy couldn't help herself. She only told half the truth –that she met a woman at the bar, and they kissed.

As soon as she saw how heartbroken Maggie looked, Lucy pretended that was all that happened. Lucy seemed like she was afraid of commitment as Daniel was. She's the one that is married, but she still enjoys going to clubs more than staying home.
It almost sounded like Lucy and Maggie got married too young. Hopefully, they can find a happy medium of interests they both enjoy, or their relationship may be doomed.
It's headed for disaster since they ran into Asha at the beach, and Lucy pretended they were acquaintances.
Every time they are together, they ooze chemistry. How long will their affair stay a secret?

Over to you, Family Law Fanatics. What were your thoughts on Elaine's case? Will Daniel ever become partner?
Will Lucy and Maggie's marriage survive when Maggie learns the truth? Chime in below in the comments.
Remember, if you missed an episode, you could watch Family Law online via TV Fanatic.
Family Law airs at 8/7c on Sundays on The CW.