Ah, the first days of a new marriage, where a husband wants to dote on his new bride just to make her smile. Most often you end up on the beach in Fiji or getting your picture with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.
Unless you’re Jack. Then you take your new bride out to the woods to a cabin that might have been featured in a recent horror film and try to convince her she really wants to be there as the ceiling falls in and the shower covers her in mud.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Jacks concept was very romantic – after all, he did bring wedding rings. I just don’t think he thought it all the way through. Jack could have prevented all of the issues they had with one of two different solutions:
Rent a travel trailer or motor home: I’m sure Jack and Allison would have had no trouble working on the cabin if they had a comfortable, dry place to relax in at night that offered a few amenities like a shower and refrigeration.
Have the basics working: If Jack really want them to sleep in the construction zone, he needed to make sure to have the basics finished before he brought his city girl out to the sticks! Again, dependable running water and refrigeration for food are a must! If he couldn’t have that much done then the option above still stands.
That aside, it was really nice to see Jack give in and offer to call a travel agent and the Alison give in at the end and come back out to work on the cabin in “The Honeymooners.”
However, as Allison said, compared to others in town, they got off light. How crazy is it that Grace was working with Beverly Barlow at one point?!? Then to find out it was Henry that started it?! I nearly flipped! I really hope that given the age of the disk, Grace can convince Henry, Jo, and the others that she had turned over a new leaf a long time ago.
Then we have Holly in her new body! While not exactly the Andy style body I suggested in this Eureka review, I’m still going to say I called it as she is up and mobile again! Granted she went through a little cyborg PTSD with Jack and pulled his gun. But hey, who hasn’t gotten a little confused after being downloaded to a new body… right?
There was really only one thing about this episode that bugged me, that being the safe Jack found. First, why would Cobb put a safe under the floor with no way to get to it? Jack broke a floor board not a door in the floor. Second, shouldn’t that safe have been a helluva lot dirtier after five years under a cabin floor? And, lastly, who would have Andy drive out to cut open the safe and then not even take a flip through the folder’s contents?
Apparently the lack of sleep, food and shower went to Jacks brain and killed his curiosity.
That minor issue aside, I enjoyed the episode very much. I love seeing Fargo and Holly back together and I hope we get to end the season with them on a happy note. Be sure and stop by our Eureka quotes section and see which ones made the cut this week!