It is with a heavy heart and a few tears in my eyes that I write the sendoff for Eureka. After 77 incredible episodes, we said goodbye to our favorite small town in “Just Another Day.”
I was so glad to see that so many people made an appearance, starting with the lovely (and grown up) Jordan Hinson as Zoe Carter, continuing with Matt Frewer and his continual pursuit of the animal variety as the “Biological Containment Specialist” Taggert, and ending with the surprise return of James Callis as Dr. Grant, or rather Trent Rockwell.

While it was bittersweet that Dr. Grant purchased the town, allowing Eureka to continue in our hearts (if not on TV), the tears came as Jack fell through the worm hole and experienced the flashback. So many memories are attached to those flashbacks for me, too. From Nathan Stark’s sacrifice to the alternate timeline where Allison was pregnant we got to see a brief recap of the amazing life of Jack Carter.
Holly and Zoe summed it up best with:
Holly: Oh! Oh! I remember now! You guys are smart, but the Sheriff is the strong force, he holds it all together.
Zoe: He always does. | permalink
In honor of Jack’s trip down memory lane (or through a memory wormhole), here are three of my favorite episodes prior to the finale. Please share your own in the comments below.
The Pilot: Watching Jack get use to the town as we got our introduction to the town we would spend the next 6 years with was a lot of fun. I might also have a soft spot for it given they used the ending of it as part of the finale where Zoe and Jack see themselves.
I Do Over: The sacrifice of Nathan Stark to save everyone at the beginning of season three was met with a lot of questions of where things might go given that Nathan had been a strong counter point to Jack. For me it was an emotionally powerful episode as we watch Nathan fade into history.
Up In The Air: In counter point to I Do Over, I consider this episode one of the best comedic episodes based completely on Colin Ferguson’s pratfall ability. I would put Jack Carter in this episode up against Dick Van Dyke or John Ritter in their top roles. I might get the chance given that Colin Ferguson’s is currently filming a sitcom pilot.
In conclusion, I’m relieved that everyone got their storybook ending. Jack and Allison pregnant, Holly and Doug together, Jo and Zane together and Henry with Grace leading GD. Summers will not be the same without Jack, Allison and the rest of Eureka. I wish everyone from the cast and crew the best of luck and thank you for sharing your amazing creation with us for the last six years.
Finally, I would like to say a very special thank you to my wife Leah for her help with the Eureka quotes this week. She is my Allison and I couldn’t do this without her.