During a rare celestial event, the moon becomes three times its normal size and in Eastwick, it unleashes a magical power to make the townspeople act wild. Cue Where the Wild Things Are.
Perhaps it is suppose to draw in viewers to the PG version of a TrueBlood orgy – but, when is it a bad thing to see a whole town throw caution to the wind and teepe a tree with toilet paper?
Nothing special really happens for Joanna in this weeks episode, besides her losing her job for the article that she wrote about Darryl, but the other two witches do get a little freaky-deaky!
Kat unleashes her sexy singleness by singing on top of a piano in a very hot little red dress. Amidst the blazing candle flames, it almost looks like she is the temptress from hell – enticing you to come in…which is exactly what Will, Joanna’s crush, does by making out with her. How could you blame him though? Blame it on the ah-ah-ah-alcohol…errr rather the mo-mo-mo-moon.
Roxie’s psychic abilities go to full throttle. She is like the superman of psychics. She and Chad go to find Mia and end up doing the dirty dirty behind a building, which lands them in jail. With her powers harnessed she does see something very disturbing – to find out what that is, read our recap of “Mooning and Crooning“.

Darryl had some great words of wisdom, below check out some of our favorite quotes from last night’s episode:
Darryl: This is not a bucket list. This is a suck-it list. | permalink
Darryl: Would you like some of my duck in your mouth? | permalink
Darryl: This is what I’m talking about. Sharing our feelings, food fights, tickle fights. I just love celebrating with you ladies!
Roxie: Tickle fights?
Darryl: Drink some more wine. | permalink
Darryl: That’s one of the really… perplexing things about life, isn’t it? Any true pleasure comes with a price. We drink too much, we wake up hung over. We eat too much, we pack on the pounds. You enjoy one moment of lust, and you live a lifetime of guilt. Yeah, what feels good comes with a cost. At the end of the day, it’s just a matter of figuring out how much you are willing to pay. | permalink