Things really heat up in this week’s episode of Eastwick – literally. The annual Halloween event – Eastwick Witch’s Field – brought about many coffin’s blazing in a bonfire with all the townspeople dancing around it to Burn Baby Burn… it definitely set the stage for an edge of your seat experience; while also created a certain desire to go disco dancing.
The entire hour is filled with “poor Joanna” moments – first, she is sitting alone sulking about losing her job – then she comes to find out that her crush kissed her new BFF Kat. Geesh – you would think she would get a break, but no – the Pastor is back and ends up kidnapping her and stuffing her in a coffin that he plans will go up in a blaze at the bonfire. Talk about having a bad day! And she’s so pretty too! Pretty people don’t deserve bad things happening to them like this!

Luckily for her, Kat is around and has her back! (Even though she is a man stealing friend) With her mother nature influence, Kat is able to put out the fire and save the day! This sheds new light on their friendship and Joanna realizes that maybe it should be chicks before sticks (a.k.a. dicks)..
In the end, Roxie believes that she has the power to stop her visions from coming true. At first, she thinks it is Darryl that she saved, but once Joanna is safe from harm, we all really think Roxie is able to.
The writers of Eastwick are most definitely here to shock you. We still can’t believe that one of our favorites ends up dying!! Just as Bun puts it – there is no way to change what is already predetermined..
Read our entire recap of last night’s episode to find out who was laid to rest…
Penny takes lead with most hilarious quotes in last night’s episode “Bonfire and Betrayl” – here are a few of our favorites:
Penny: You’ve confused me with your musky man smell and made me want to throw you down and eat you like a crumpet and I don’t even know what a crumpet is. | permalink
Penny: Please like you’ve ever tapped anything but yourself lover boy. | permalink
Penny: See I told you not to trust those crazy bitches!
(Joanna gives her a mean stare)
Penny: What?! Too soon? | permalink