Eastwick Archives - TV Fanatic https://www.tvfanatic.com/shows/eastwick/ Your Home for TV Show Reviews, Opinions, Spoilers, and News! Thu, 05 Nov 2009 14:52:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6 https://cdn.tvfanatic.com/uploads/2024/05/favicon-1-150x150.png Eastwick Archives - TV Fanatic https://www.tvfanatic.com/shows/eastwick/ 32 32 Eastwick Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: Paint and Pleasure https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-8-recap-paint-and-pleasure/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-8-recap-paint-and-pleasure/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2009 14:52:54 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-8-recap-paint-and-pleasure/ This episode of Eastwick is titled "Paint and Pleasure." In it, Joanna tries to bounce back from her mishaps.

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We’ll recap this episode in full after it airs.

During the hour, Roxie sets aside her disgust for Darryl after he prepares an art show features her works and invites art enthusiast Greta Noa.

Also, Joanna attempts to bounce back from her mistakes while Kat keeps her distance from Will.

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Eastwick Review: “Red Ants and Black Widows” https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-red-ants-and-black-widows/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-red-ants-and-black-widows/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:16:32 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/11/05/eastwick-review-red-ants-and-black-widows/ Joanna is questioned about her kidnapping ordeal by her replacement, Max, at work. Meanwhile, Kat realizes Bun's old pal Eleanor (Cybill Shepherd) may have some helpful info; and Roxie tries to fulfill the last wish of someone close to her.

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It may not have been as edge of your seat as it was last week, but Eastwick still has the magical ability to keep us watching and wanting more. These three girls have yet to bore us with any unoriginal plot lines and their tangle web that they weave is just beginning. 

It is a very very sad world that we will have to live in now that the resident hottie – Chad – is dead. Oh vell – things look like they will most definitely be heating up between Roxie and Darryl now that he is gone. This could be a very good thing – who knows? He sure is hot in that creepy – up to no good – kind of way.

Joanna still has the whole “woe is me” bit playing on…maybe a little too long? I guess she did almost die last week. This week brings a very new and fine young man named Max to take her place at the paper. Dayum! Break me off a piece of that…paging…new couple alert! New couple alert! Who needs four eyes Will when you can have some sexual chocolate?

As for Kat, her new power to heal will most def. come in handy as the season progresses. Maybe with Roxie’s old vision of her being killed off by her neighbor Jaime? I see a revolt of the old against the new witches occurring – and so far, it looks like Kat has the strongest powers of all.

Overall, this week proves itself that it can come back to life with the new after such an amazing deathly episode. Don’t just take our word for it – if you haven’t already watched it, watch it. Then read our recap and tell us what you think!

Never forgetting that humor is important in a dramatic comedy, Eastwick serves it up! Here are a few of our personal favorite quotes from last night’s episode.

Darryl: Maybe just maybe – that hammer wasn’t just a hammer. | permalink

Penny: It’s not the spoon that bends – it’s only your self. | permalink

Joanna: I have SAP – Super Awesome Powers. | permalink

Max: (speaking to Joanna) Did you flash him your boobs?! | permalink

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Eastwick Photos from: “Red Ants and Black Widows” https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-photos-from-red-ants-and-black-widows/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-photos-from-red-ants-and-black-widows/#respond Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:48:35 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/11/03/eastwick-photos-from-red-ants-and-black-widows/ Joanna is questioned about her kidnapping ordeal by her replacement at work. Meanwhile, Kat realizes Bun's old pal Eleanor (Cybill Shepherd) may have some helpful info; and Roxie tries to fulfill the last wish of someone close to her.

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From the look of the pictures below for this week’s new episode of Eastwick – things are bound to be just as intense as last week.

Chad comes to Roxie in a dream and like with Gus, Mia vows to fulfill his last wish – whatever that may be. (Maybe kill Darryl?!)

After being almost burned to death in a blazing coffin, Joanna gets a taste of her own journalistic medicine as she is hounded by her replacement Max (Jason George).

Kat is taken by surprise by not only her new-found ability, but that Bun’s old friend Eleanor has something to do with it. How could a crazy cat lady like Eleanor Rougement be a tie that binds?

You must tune in tomorrow night at 10pm on ABC to find out!

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Eastwick Review: “Bonfire and Betrayal” https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-bonfire-and-betrayal/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-bonfire-and-betrayal/#respond Thu, 29 Oct 2009 16:13:06 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/10/29/eastwick-review-bonfire-and-betrayal/ It's Halloween on Eastwick this week. During the celebrate, Roxie envisions an ill fate for her loved-ones and tries to prevent it from happening.

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Things really heat up in this week’s episode of Eastwick – literally. The annual Halloween event – Eastwick Witch’s Field  – brought about many coffin’s blazing in a bonfire with all the townspeople dancing around it to Burn Baby Burn… it definitely set the stage for an edge of your seat experience; while also created a certain desire to go disco dancing. 

The entire hour is filled with “poor Joanna” moments – first, she is sitting alone sulking about losing her job – then she comes to find out that her crush kissed her new BFF Kat. Geesh – you would think she would get a break, but no – the Pastor is back and ends up kidnapping her and stuffing her in a coffin that he plans will go up in a blaze at the bonfire. Talk about having a bad day! And she’s so pretty too! Pretty people don’t deserve bad things happening to them like this!

Luckily for her, Kat is around and has her back! (Even though she is a man stealing friend) With her mother nature influence, Kat is able to put out the fire and save the day! This sheds new light on their friendship and Joanna realizes that maybe it should be chicks before sticks (a.k.a. dicks)..

In the end, Roxie believes that she has the power to stop her visions from coming true. At first, she thinks it is Darryl that she saved, but once Joanna is safe from harm, we all really think Roxie is able to.

The writers of Eastwick are most definitely here to shock you. We still can’t believe that one of our favorites ends up dying!! Just as Bun puts it – there is no way to change what is already predetermined..

Read our entire recap of last night’s episode to find out who was laid to rest…

Penny takes lead with most hilarious quotes in last night’s episode “Bonfire and Betrayl” – here are a few of our favorites:

Penny: You’ve confused me with your musky man smell and made me want to throw you down and eat you like a crumpet and I don’t even know what a crumpet is. | permalink

Penny: Please like you’ve ever tapped anything but yourself lover boy. | permalink

Penny: See I told you not to trust those crazy bitches!
(Joanna gives her a mean stare)
Penny: What?! Too soon? | permalink

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Eastwick Producer Teases Big Guest Star, Storylines https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-producer-teases-big-guest-star-storylines/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-producer-teases-big-guest-star-storylines/#respond Thu, 29 Oct 2009 12:50:08 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/10/29/eastwick-producer-teases-big-guest-star-storylines/ What's coming up on Eastwick? Let's ask the show's executive producer!

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It got off to a slow start, but Eastwick is picking up momentum on ABC.

The witch-based drama has abandoned attempts at a grand, moral message and focused on what it should have been all along: a campy, fun soap opera.

What can fans of the series look forward to in the near future? TV Guide posed a few questions about the show to Executive Producer Maggie Friedman. Excerpts from the Q&A follow…

On new abilities: In future episodes, all of our ladies will be expanding their powers into new and surprising realms! We’re about to get very, very magical.

On guest star Jerry O’Connell: [His character] is a good man hiding a horrible secret. He’s a single father, a widow, with a young son who is a part of this secret. Kat will be drawn to him, and she will be put in danger as a result.

On selling her show: The supernatural element keeps growing every week, and it works on multiple levels — there literally is magic happening on the show, but it’s also a metaphor for these characters’ lives, which I think are very rich and relatable. Also, we just have so much fun making Eastwick and I think it shows.

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Eastwick Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Red Ants and Black Widows https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-7-recap-red-ants-and-black-widows/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-7-recap-red-ants-and-black-widows/#respond Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:47:01 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-7-recap-red-ants-and-black-widows/ This week's episode is titled "Red Ants and Black Widows." Roxie seeks to figure out and grant Chad's final wish without much of a clue to go on. Joanna tries to harness her newfound power and Kat is also mystified by her new ability..

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Roxie wakes up in her dream to find Chad in bed with her. He tells her that he doesn’t have much time because she will soon wake up, but to follow the signs.  Before he could go into any more detail, she wakes up. 

Joanna is about to check out of the hospital. Kat is there trying to make her realize that she needs to talk about her being almost burnt to death, but Joanna refuses because she wants to learn more about her new magic power of telekinesis.  As they are leaving, they practically fall into Chad’s dead body.

They both go to Roxie’s house to tell her the unfortunate news. Somehow, probably because of the dream and her recent premonitions, Roxie already knew.  She informs them about her dream and the sign’s Chad wants her to follow.

Roxie finds her first clue in the bottom of Chad’s drawer. It is an ax with a note on it to return to Darryl. When she gets to Darryl’s house, her is fire walking. He helps Roxie realize that her biggest fear – fear that she is a curse. He tells her that she should conquer her fear – starting with going to Chad’s funeral, even though she was banned.

At the funeral, after making a rather spectacle of herself in front of Chad’s entire family, she sees her last sign. It is a young woman wearing the same shirt as Chad’s from her dream. The woman turns out to be Chad’s secret guitar tutor. He wrote Roxie a song and planned to give it to her as her surprise Birthday present CD. Awe! Love him!

She realizes that Chad’s gift to her is the awareness of releasing herself. So that night, Roxie packs up all the old clothes of both her dead lovers and finally lets go.

Kat magically fixes her daughter cut on her finger by just touching it. She realizes that she also has another power – the power to heal. Funny how someone like Eleanor made her comprehend her power.  Kat takes Bun to Eleanor’s house to find out more answers to her questions and to see if she could help Bun get her memory back.

And does she ever! Eleanor uses her knitting needles and pokes two holes in Bun’s neck; forcing millions of red ants to come crawling out of her. This action makes Bun get her memory back and Eleanor and Bun start planning what to do about Darryl.

Back at home, Kat has the option to use her newfound power on one of her children, but opts out. She is still a little weary of her powers.

Seeing that no one believes in her telekinetic powers, Joanna takes Max (her replacement reporter) on a ride for his life – literally. They are at the top of a ferris wheel when Joanna opens the door. She tries to conjure up the same feelings she had to shut the door with her mind, but it didn’t work. Scared out of his mind, Max made her face the reality of what her situation in life is at the moment.

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Eastwick Photos from: “Bonfire and Betrayal” https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-photos-from-bonfire-and-betrayal/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-photos-from-bonfire-and-betrayal/#respond Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:10:37 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/10/27/eastwick-photos-from-bonfire-and-betrayal/ This week is a special Halloween episode of Eastwick. Roxie's visions of an ill fate for her loved-ones and tries to prevent it from happening. Kat attempts to reunite Will and Joanna, who continues to encounter misfortunes after having trouble with her career and love life.

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Things are about to get spooky in Eastwick during this special Halloween episode.

Because of Roxie’s most recent vision – seeing someone she loves dead – she will try to do everything in her powers to keep this from coming true.

Poor Joanna – not only does she lose her job, but she finds out about the kiss between Will and Kat. Obviously guilt stricken, Kat tries to reunite these two. Will it be too little too late? You must tune in tomorrow night at 10pm for this very bewitching hour of Eastwick to find out!

Until then, here are a couple sneak peak photos of this All Hallows Eve episode…

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Jerry O’Connell to Recur on Eastwick https://www.tvfanatic.com/jerry-oconnell-to-recur-on-eastwick/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/jerry-oconnell-to-recur-on-eastwick/#respond Thu, 22 Oct 2009 19:31:34 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/10/22/jerry-oconnell-to-recur-on-eastwick/ Jerry O'Connell has booked a role on Eastwick. He'll star opposite his wife.

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When you’re married to Rebecca Romijn, it’s understandable you’d want to see her as often as possible.

With that in mind, Jerry O’Connell has booked a multi-episode arc opposite his real-life wife on ABC’s Eastwick.

O’Connell will portray Colin, Kat’s handsome new neighbor. As viewers of this show might expect, he’s hiding a dark, magical secret.

This is actually the third time the couple has worked together on screen.

Two years ago, Romijn guest-starred on O’Connell’s short-lived comedy Carpoolers. Pior to that, O’Connell made a cameo on Ugly Betty.

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Eastwick Review: “Mooning and Crooning” https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-mooning-and-crooning/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-review-mooning-and-crooning/#respond Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:47:35 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/2009/10/22/eastwick-review-mooning-and-crooning/ A celestial phenomenon over Eastwick forces the townsfolk into a crazed frenzy for a night. As a result, Kat lets go of her inhibitions on top of a piano as Roxie and Mia find themselves in a shameful situation with Chad and Josh. Meanwhile, Joanna's editor pressures her to print a newspaper story that gets her into trouble.

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During a rare celestial event, the moon becomes three times its normal size and in Eastwick, it unleashes a magical power to make the townspeople act wild. Cue Where the Wild Things Are.

Perhaps it is suppose to draw in viewers to the PG version of a TrueBlood orgy – but, when is it a bad thing to see a whole town throw caution to the wind and teepe a tree with toilet paper?

Nothing special really happens for Joanna in this weeks episode, besides her losing her job for the article that she wrote about Darryl, but the other two witches do get a little freaky-deaky!

Kat unleashes her sexy singleness by singing on top of a piano in a very hot little red dress. Amidst the blazing candle flames, it almost looks like she is the temptress from hell – enticing you to come in…which is exactly what Will, Joanna’s crush, does by making out with her.  How could you blame him though? Blame it on the ah-ah-ah-alcohol…errr rather the mo-mo-mo-moon.

Roxie’s psychic abilities go to full throttle. She is like the superman of psychics. She and Chad go to find Mia and end up doing the dirty dirty behind a building, which lands them in jail. With her powers harnessed she does see something very disturbing – to find out what that is, read our recap of “Mooning and Crooning“.

Darryl had some great words of wisdom, below check out some of our favorite quotes from last night’s episode:

Darryl: This is not a bucket list. This is a suck-it list. | permalink

Darryl: Would you like some of my duck in your mouth? | permalink

Darryl: This is what I’m talking about. Sharing our feelings, food fights, tickle fights. I just love celebrating with you ladies!
Roxie: Tickle fights?
Darryl: Drink some more wine. | permalink

Darryl: That’s one of the really… perplexing things about life, isn’t it? Any true pleasure comes with a price. We drink too much, we wake up hung over. We eat too much, we pack on the pounds. You enjoy one moment of lust, and you live a lifetime of guilt. Yeah, what feels good comes with a cost. At the end of the day, it’s just a matter of figuring out how much you are willing to pay. | permalink

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Eastwick Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Bonfire and Betrayal https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-6-recap-bonfire-and-betrayal/ https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-6-recap-bonfire-and-betrayal/#respond Thu, 22 Oct 2009 11:01:34 +0000 https://www.tvfanatic.com/eastwick-season-1-episode-6-recap-bonfire-and-betrayal/ It's Halloween on Eastwick this week. During the celebrate, Roxie envisions an ill fate for her loved-ones and tries to prevent it from happening.

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The town is getting ready for their annual Halloween party called Eastwick Witch’s Field.  The premise of the party is to light a bunch of coffins on fire to symbolize the burning of bad energy. This scene is clearly setting the stage for something to happen.

Roxie’s vision of the funeral hits her again as she is giving a tour to a bunch of sightseers. Bun coincidently sees the same thing – making it known to Roxie that she is not the only one with the power to see the future.  Darryl arrives at the same moment and scares the bejesus out of Bun – for no apparent reason at all.

Roxie goes back to Darryl’s house and saves him from having the sculpture fall and kill him.  Darryl believes this to be the bad handiwork of Chad – so he fires him. Obviously upset with Roxie for not standing up for him, Chad leaves without another word.

Later that day, Roxie and Kat go to visit Joanna at her apartment. She is sitting alone and having a pity party over her lost job and love Will.  Kat persuades Joanna to try and work it out with Will – why? Perhaps to make herself feel better about the totally wrong kiss from the night before.

Joanna goes to work to find Will and apologize. He forgives her, but finds out that he is mad crushing on Kat! Joanna confronts Kat and Kat blurts out that she kissed Will. Totally hurt and upset, Joanna leaves to go back to her apartment and sulk.

Doing just that contently, Joanna realizes that she might have another special power – telekinesis – the ability to move objects with your mind. The doorbell rings and Joanna answers it – unaware that it is the pastor! He kidnaps her and takes her to his secret hideout.

Kat feels that something bad might be happening to Joanna so she enlists the help of Penny to look for her. Penny clearly dislikes Kat; so Kat decides to go on without her and find Roxie to help.

Roxie is with Bun who is able to see a vision of fire. They realize that Joanna must be at the bonfire. When they get to the event they see the Pastor standing in front of the bonfire. He tells them it is too late – Joanna is in one of the coffins about to go up in flames. No one is helping them and just when you think Joanna’s time is up; Kat starts to cry which brings in huge rain clouds that diminish the fire. Whew!

Roxie is so pleased with herself for being able to change the future – that Joanna didn’t die in the bonfire. Bun tells Roxie that she has no idea what she is talking about. That you can’t change what is predetermined to happen.

Just as Bun is saying this to Roxie, Chad walks up to the giant statue of Darryl and starts beating the living daylights out of it. As he is walking away, the statue falls on top of him – killing him.

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