Fallon and Liam will make great parents.
Dynasty Season 5 Episode 5 was another deep-dive into the best romantic relationship on the series, and while the pair had several bumps in the road to conceive, you can tell their relationship is in a healthier place than before.
If you watch Dynasty online, you know the show has consistently put them against one another, even though their connection burns bright.

Thankfully, Liam's qualms about having children were all washed away by the beginning of the hour.
Fallon's vulnerability was very rare. She's been trained to have this wall up because she's so afraid of getting hurt, but it really helped her communicate her wants with her husband.
You would think going to the Carrington Compound would have been the perfect recipe for them to have a night of passion, but these two always find themselves caught up in a mystery.

Hey, they sleuth well together, and the writers clearly know it.
The mystery was fun, especially because Winston had such a devotion to the Carrington family name.
Stealing all of the heirlooms would be a bit absurd, especially if he has so many years of service to the family name.
Then again, Fallon's instincts have proven to be right in the past, so she wouldn't have been able to forgive herself if she didn't follow her gut.

The plot was well-paced, featuring plenty of twists and turns, but the fight between Fallon and Winston has got to be one of the most comical scenes of the series.
Many people don't want to move on from a location that is important to their family history, and I loved the way Fallon came to the realization she wanted her children to spend time there.
If Liam was worried about telling any potential kids they were conceived in a seedy motel, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the kids are told about Fallon's beatdown with Winston.
We don't even know whether Winston will be able to work under Fallon, and now that we know she accused him of stealing her Girl Scout Cookies all those years ago, well, it sounds like there's plenty of bad blood between them.

For now, the writers are doing a decent job of showcasing progression for Fallon and Liam, and that's about all we can ask for after so much back and forth.
The Rita, Beto, and Cristal storyline is gathering steaming, taking us on a journey that was fresh and exciting.
Rita is quickly becoming one of the best villains to grace the show. Her witty one-liners and unnecessary insults make her such a juxtaposition to Cristal that elevates this whole storyline.
Rita asking about whether Cristal and Adam had sex was bonkers, but not as bonkers as the intense gazes she shared with him.

Adam clearly picked up on her attraction to him at the hospital, and I hope a group of people band together to realize she's not the real Cristal.
Then again, everyone will probably put it down to the after-effects of the surgery to save Cristal's life.
The sheer look of horror on Cristal's face when Rita and Beto revealed another plan to tackle Blake was shocking.
Are they going to kill him? What do they plan on doing?

On top of that, would Cristal automatically get the power to make these important business decisions?
Surely, Adam and Fallon would fight to get such a power, and that would present yet another hurdle.
The weak aspect of the hour was how hastily cobbled together the revelation about Sam was.
The series has largely been unable to give Sam a storyline with substance ever since Steven's exit.

Everything has been frivolous, repetitive, and not particularly exciting.
That's why it's hard to get on board with his father miraculously being in the picture.
The awkward part of all of it was Sam thinking the man who turned out to be his father was hitting on him.
There is a lot we don't know about their past, and I'm sure the series will peel back the layers in the coming weeks.

Hey, maybe we'll get some Celia Machado mentions. That would be a nice way to throw it all the way back.
Another storyline that felt like an afterthought was the initial rivalry between Dominique and Jeff.
There has been a lot of progression for Dominique of late, but Jeff gets some of the worst material.
The balance of their storyline in comparison to the others was also nothing to write home about.

It seemed like they bickered across two locations, and the editing made it sound like it was all in the span of about 15 minutes.
"A Little Fun Wouldn't Hurt" was a very good episode, but with some fine-tuning, it could have been one of the best.
The series is in a decent position creatively, and for the first time in a long time, I'm interested in seeing how all of this pans out.
What did you think of Fallon and Liam's baby plans?

Do you think Beto and Rita will kill Blake?
Hit the comments below.
Dynasty continues Fridays at 9 p.m. on The CW.