There were several seriously jaw-dropping moments on Dominion Season 2 Episode 8.
Can you believe Claire shot Zoe point-blank in the head like that? William resurfaced more badass than ever, and killed that dude to buy himself a beer. What about the fact Riesen was no general and decided to become a dyad?
All that, plus we got a quick peek at the start of the Extermination War… Intense stuff!

Dominion Photos from “The Longest Mile Home”
Things started off with a bang, or rather with a beheading. That decapitation was more graphic than anything we saw in the pilot. It always amazes me how broadcast standards and practices have zero issues with a scene like that, yet we get a PG-13 version of the little orgy sequence. It boggles the mind, but let's leave that argument for another time.
Anyone else wonder how Michael found Alex and Noma so quickly? It's not like she called the archangel with her wings. Damn, that was a low blow… sorry Nomes.
Michael made the connection between the 8-balls burned by our mystery man and Mallory. This was our first solid lead that he's the town's prophet. Since we learned that Uriel's twin Raphael is a woman, it appears Lucifer has been having some fun with Laurel and the townsfolk. Still, he did seem to be concerned for Alex and protected them by setting the 8-balls on fire. What are your thoughts on all this?
Noma's unwavering dedication to Alex is incredible. Will she get her wings back?
Noma: Yesterday I went out to draw the 8-balls away from Alex. Something strange happened.
Michael: What?
Noma: A man appeared to me. There was a presence about him. Like he was something more. I was delirious, what sticks in my mind is he said, “Bring him east.” Does it make any sense to you?
Michael: No.
🔗 permalink: A man appeared to me. There was a presence about him.
Arika's days of scheming are over (for now), but you've got to wonder why Gates didn't arrest her sooner? I get that he was gathering more intel, but he could have avoided that fateful drink of water. Do you think he'll die?
"Peace is not the answer" David told Zoe. If anyone deserved a bullet in the brain it was Whele not Zoe, but we'll get to that in a moment. When she told him one of them was going to die and he said "ladies first," I had a feeling her days were numbered.
Riesen did not seem to be playing into Julian's hands at first. I found it interesting that the new Clementine knew things about her eviction no one could know. I'm assuming she is indeed the 8-ball that possessed his wife. That brings me to Riesen's flashbacks.
How cool was it to see the start of the Extermination War? Watching the angels take possession of their human hosts was awesome. We never had a chance to see anything like this in the film Legion. I'm really glad Dominion went there.
I thought the actor they chose to play young Riesen was a dead ringer for Alan Dale. The fact they dubbed in Alan's voice helped sell it as well. Though Edward wasn't a general, the fact he read "The Art of War" and mentioned learning from history helps us understand how he became a great leader. It was sad that he came home to find Clementine possessed. She continued to be his biggest weakness.
Meanwhile, Julian drugged Gabriel which lead to this season's first orgy.
Gabriel: I need time to recover, heal. An hour maybe two. And then I’ll summon my angels and we’ll slaughter that dyad and everyone else in this cursed pit.
Claire: Of course you will.
Gabriel: You don’t believe me.
Arika: No. Even with your wings.
Noma: It’s a losing proposition.
Gabriel: But I’m an archangel. One of the greatest warriors the heavens have ever seen.
Claire: Julian is far more powerful than that. You don’t stand a chance.
Gabriel: What do you suggest?
Claire: Stay here with us.
Gabriel: Why exactly?
Noma: Because we will protect you.
Arika: Because we want you.
Claire: Surrender Gabriel. It’s easy if you try.
🔗 permalink: Surrender Gabriel. It’s easy if you try.
Elsewhere, Zoe and David went into battle for the armory. The two characters had one last verbal standoff which was great. Especially Zoe's witty remark about David's one hand. I never imagined I'd feel this way at the start, but I'm going to miss her. Though I know Zoe had to go, I'm not sure how I feel about Claire's move. She was pretty brutal and that shocked me.
Weren't you hoping we had not seen the last of William? When David's visions stopped, it seemed Luke Allen-Gale's Dominion days were over. This new William is pretty ferocious. Weren't you shocked by the way he beat that guy to death? Yeah, Willy's lost his marbles and he's about to lead a new group of acolytes. I'm curious to see how this plays out.
When William was speaking at the bar, he mentioned God revealed himself to him.
William: I was at my lowest point. Blinded by the sun. Skin peeling off my back. I was approached by six horsemen, they were thieves. They wanted my canteen and a few strips of dry meat I had. And there was nothing I could do to stop them. But then as the first attacker came at me, this blinding flash of light filled the sky. It was so bright it turned night into day. It was as if a comet had hit the Earth. But it was even greater than that because this wasn’t a comet. This was the hand of God. And he was reaching down from high up there. And he killed that attacker, stone dead, right in front of me. It was a miracle.
🔗 permalink: This was the hand of God. And he was reaching down from high up there.
Did William dream this due to dehydration from being out in the desert too long? He's clearly not in his right mind; did he snap? Or did some supernatural force truly intervene? The prophet from Mallory perhaps? Did Father return or is something else at play. We can't say for sure yet, but I love this new turn of events, don't you?
While we didn't see Riesen give up the amphora, the fact he's now a dyad means he did. Sure, he was dying and desperate, but boy did he make a massive mistake. Since Julian's figured out that Gabriel's mind can be broken and with the amphora in hand, he might just take his body. Picture a possessed Gabe leading New Delphi's forces against Vega. If that's what is coming, this season finale is going to be mind-blowing.
What did you think of "The Longest Mile Home"? Did both Claire and her father make a terrible mistake? Will Julian/Lyrae take over Gabriel's body? Who or what saved William out there in the desert? Your turn, please sound off in the comments below.
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NOTE: Dominion Season 2 Episode 9 is titled “The Seed of Evil” and airs on Thursday, September 3.