Yeah, I'm a total sucker for flashbacks. Watching Gabriel start the war was everything!
As a matter of fact, I would have loved to see more of 2016 and less of Claire making terrible decisions and the archangels fighting in the present. Will Arika be as merciful when her army attacks Vega in Season 3? Won't David continue to fight for power?
I think Claire just sealed her fate, and ultimately she only has herself to blame.
Dominion Season 2 Episode 12 was a tease. Syfy should have aired a 2-hour finale.
If Alex destroyed the amphora of Darkness, why was Gabriel still under its influence? Sure, it made for some great fight scenes, but that irrational hatred of Michael just isn't Gabe. Will the Darkness conveniently disappear when the time comes to face Lucifer next week?
By the way, if we don't meet the Morning Star in the finale I'm going to be pissed. Clearly, he's going to be our big bad next season.
While the brothers fought, Alex and Noma made their way to Claire. How did Arika get out of her cell? Her worst nightmare wasn't reason enough to let her live. Not that I want Shivani Ghai gone, mind you. I just didn't understand where this sudden trust came from.
And David, who orchestrated the civil war continues to draw breath. Why?!? Claire had no problem shooting Zoe point blank in the head, but the puppet masters live on. Eeeeesh! As I said at the top, if she dies at their hands Claire has only herself to blame.
Hey, at least her reunion with Alex came quickly.
Claire: Alex, I don’t want this to be the end.
Alex: We survived the Darkness. I’m not dying today. Neither are you.
🔗 permalink: Alex, I don’t want this to be the end.
That wide shot of the 8-ball army was something else, right? While Claire went to arm the cannons, Alex's plan was to meet the entire army head on. What?!? I mean, I realize he's the Chosen One, but come on, was he planning to perform a mass eviction? Is that even possible? The Chosen One's brave, I just wish he'd look before he leaps.
Elsewhere, Gabriel and Michael fought to the death. For me, the highlights of this installment were the 2016 flashbacks. How bright and colorful 2016 was until Gabriel unleashed his "gift." I always wondered exactly how Gabe released the lower angels. Now we know, God left him The Seventh Seal. I'm still not sure why father entrusted Gabe with the apocalypse. I'm assuming his resentment of mankind had something to do with it. Even Gabriel wasn't sure if God wanted him to break the seal.
Michael spoke of Raphael's prophecy, but it fell on deaf ears.
Michael: No, Raphael’s prophecy foretells a chosen one. We must find him together.
Gabriel: You’ll forgive me if I don’t put much stock in Raphael’s prophecies. She has a rather spotty record when it comes to predicting the future. No there is only one way to bring father back and it’s in my hands.
Michael: Gabriel please, don’t do this. If you break that seal… No!
Gabriel: There, it’s done.
🔗 permalink: No, Raphael’s prophecy foretells a chosen one. We must find him together.
The 2016 chaos was impressively shot. Nice job Deran Sarafian! How about that airplane falling, eh? There were tons of extras running about as angels possessed humans left and right. Again, I would have loved to spend more time in 2016, though I'm not sure how they could have pulled that off.
It's just that the extermination war seems far more interesting to me than what's going on in Vega. I guess one could always revist Legion for those events.
I'll admit, David's speech was cool, but that's what he does. Claire fell for it again. Okay, so he and Jerry shot a few 8-balls once the cannons were back online. However, in the grand scheme of things he's dangerous and should have been put down. Do you think we've seen the last of William?
If he's a dyad, could he have survived? If he's indeed dead, what wasted story potential. I would have preferred David die, than little Whele. How about you? Let me know in the comments below.
Though Noma professed her love, her alliance with Gabriel in the past was troubling. Michael trusted Noma to go ahead of him and find the Chosen One. Did she mislead him? If so, why exactly?
Gabriel: All my angels came to my side but you, my own brother. You left me when I needed you most. You broke our family apart.
Michael: No, it was already broken by another. The archangel who chose humanity first, long before I did. Our brother is alive.
🔗 permalink: Our brother is alive.
So, Michael informed his brother that Lucifer is alive. This was the first time Michael let the audience know that Lucifer is responsible for the events in Mallory. Sure, many of us had guessed this, but it was great to hear the theory verbalized by Michael. So the siblings supposedly killed their big brother.
Will we learn how he survived? All I'm really expecting from the finale is to meet Lucifer. I hope the showrunners deliver on that, otherwise I'm going to be bummed out.
Ultimately, William brought down the gate and the 8-ball army entered Vega. That's where the finale will pick up, but again I wish this had been a special 2-hour deal. Cliffhangers are fun, but they can also be extremely frustrating. That's how I'm feeling after this episode. The writing this season has been solid, but I'm ready to learn the outcome.
I've said it before, I watch a lot of television and Dominion deserves another go. Will Syfy give us at least one more season despite the low ratings? Is scheduling to blame for the decline in viewers or are folks just watching less live TV overall? I hope we learn Dominion's fate sooner rather than later, don't you? Syfy do right by the fans.
What did you think of "Day of Wrath"? Will we meet Lucifer in the finale? Will Alex demonstrate his true power? Is William gone for good? Has Arika truly changed? You're up guys, go ahead and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Get ready for the season finale, watch Dominion online via TV Fanatic to catch up now!
NOTE: Dominion Season 2 Episode 13 is titled “Sine Deo Nihil” and airs on Thursday, October 1.