Martin found himself in the middle of trouble again on Deutschland86 Season 2 Episode 6.
Is it any surprise?
But how could anyone blame Kolibri for the horrible bombing in West Germany?

I don't understand why everyone thinks Martin is the bad guy. Didn't anyone in the West realize that what he did back in 1983 was actually a good thing?
Had he not intervened, there's a strong possibility that the world as we know it wouldn't exist.
Yet, he can't seem to catch a break, and it was disheartening to hear the American general call him a weasel.
Even if Martin ends up being the one to stop further Libyan bombings, and we know he will, he's not going to receive the credit he deserves.
It's not like he's asking for a million dollars, though it would be nice. All he wants is to stop running and hiding and live his life with Max.
But he's never going to be able to do that if he keeps being fingered as the bad guy, and him becoming a double agent isn't going to help his case — even if he's working for the "good" guys now.
Martin has become an expert in the spy game. He's learned so much in such a short amount of time.

He's able to move around West Germany with his many disguises and gets secret messages to Brigitte in the most clever ways.
It's still not clear what Brigitte's true intentions are. Is she really in love with him or is she just using him?
We'll see how far she's willing to go to find Max and whether she'll actually run away with him when they find the boy.
And now that he knows Max is really his son, he's dead serious about finding him even if she's not.
The East Germans should be loving Martin by now and should be welcoming him home with open arms.
His alleged deal with the Libyans netted East Germany some serious bucks and some flowers.
It was alarming to Walter that Martin was being blamed by the Americans for the bombing.

So much so that he met with Valdez on the roof of his building to tell him the truth — and one little white lie that Martin was dead.
He's trying to protect Martin for Ingrid's sake, but he deserves credit for trying to clear his son's name.
But he hasn't thought about what Martin's going to do next.
When the Americans figure out that Martin is still alive after all, Walter is going to lose all credibility.
He has to know this so him doing what he did proves that he is going to great efforts to wrong his rights.
His way of thinking is changing even if he doesn't realize it yet.
He needs to jump ship and become a full-blooded West German. He could take Ingrid with him, but she'll never leave Max behind and Annett won't give up Max — especially for something as heinous as crossing the border.
Tina wants nothing more than to get out of East Germany.

I can't imagine having to live a life where letters need to be hidden in chocolate bar wrappings and delivered illegally by secret carriers, but that's the life Tina is living for now.
Her boss was right that she was being influenced by her activist brother. It turns out it was her on those tapes Thomas was broadcasting who was telling people in the outside world what life was really like in East Germany.
And I bet the recent tape she had delivered to him is about to expose the horrible medical experiment secrets going on at the hospital.

She needs to get out before that tape is aired because there will be no doubt as to who shared those secrets.
Whether this new carrier is to be trusted is another matter. It's strange that the original carrier was sick, and although Ingrid seemed to trust her, it's hard to want to trust anyone in East Germany.
Hopefully, the woman isn't going to screw Tina over and will bring her and her family to West Germany and not to East German officials.
Over to you!

21 Mentors With Feet of Clay
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