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Deutschland86 Season 2 Episode 10 Recap: Total Onslaught

Martin meets with Netz to tell her what he's learned.

Valdez is apparently having an affair with Alex's friend or something is happening.

Fuchs shares blackmail photos of the ship plans. He wants to bring the ship around immediately. Dietrich says no.

Thomas has the same pics and he shares them with Tobias. Tina wants to know when her daughters will be free.

Winkelmann the pictures too. He's freaked out as Brigitte joins him. He wants to leave tonight, but she says no. Then she tells him it's over.

Martin is at Max's school. Martin follows him and Annett as they head home. Max gets close to Martin at one point, but Martin doesn't know what to do.

Ingrid opens a letter and learns that the Fischers did not arrive.

Martin tells Ingrid about the situation with Max and Annett. He tells her about Roberto.

Hartmann tells Walter they can't find Rose on board and that there was a call to West Berline from Fuchs room.

Fuchs accuses Lenora and Rose of making the phone call and sending the threats because of their denial of the ANC deal.

Fuchs tells her he ordered the ship back because of fear the weapons will be confiscated and that Rose has disappeared.

he also tells her he's putting her on leave and removing her permit to go into West Germany.

Lenora comes home drunk and tells Martin all her problems and worries about Rose and the deals and what happened with Fuchs. Martin is surprised she was going to sabotage the weapons deal for the ANC to intercept the weapons.

Martin tells her he can get her over the border if she helps him. With her help, he kidnaps Max.

Annett wakes up to find Max gone and Lenora sitting in her kitchen. Martin is with Max in the car. The boy wakes up and Martin tells him that he's his father.

Martin brings Max to Ingrid's house. The boy has been crying nonstop. 

Tobias is listening to Alex's AIDS speech at a rally.

Martin shows up at Annett's place to talk. In exchange for her seeing Max again, he wants Tina Fischer's daughters. They head to the orphanage.

Tobias outs himself at the AIDS rally and says he has AIDS. Walter and Hartmann are stunned.

Martin and Annett are at the orphanage to adopt kids, but the sisters they're looking for aren't there. Tina's kids have been adopted already.

Annett reveals that she's an HVA agent and force the woman to give them information about the Fischer girls. They convince her they need them for a mission. When they leave, the woman tries to call someone but Martin cut the line. They have the girls and they're off before someone can do anything.

Walter and Hartmann are at the US embassy for the Rocky Horror play that the Americans are putting on.

Brigitte is preparing a suitcase to take off with Martin.

Frank is drinking at the bar. he's miserable and very drunk. Nina shows up and Frank flirts with her like crazy.

Walter is at the performance and freaked out at what the Americans are doing and why they're all dressed up. All the East Germans are stiffs.

Hartmann is getting into it, but Walter is dumbfounded.

Lenora and the girls leave for the border as Martin stays behind for now. It's all a Def Leppard song. They cross the border with no issues.

Tina is reunited with her girls.

Brigitte is there to arrest Lenora and learns that Martin isn't coming. Brigitte is pissed.

Dietrich is running numbers abut the loss of revenue and the AIDS virus. He tries to comfort her.

Valdez can't find his keys and knocks on Walter's door. Valdez is all dressed up like a woman and wants Walter to get him keys to his place. 

Lenora is about to be interrogated. Frank Winkelmann is dead in a hotel bathroom.

Tandi is with her dad in West Germany.

Rose is in Cape Town and sends an encoded message to HARTMANN!!!!!!!! 

Thomas tells a talk show host he's writing a new book called Legend of Colibri.

Brigitte is all alone watching.

And Martin? He gave up his West German dreams to be with his son and that means being with Annett in East Germany.

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