Thank the heavens that there's a third season of this incredible series coming our way because I'm already ready for all the new twists and turns that are sure to be headed our way.
And if there was ever a twist I never saw coming in a MILLION YEARS, it was the one involving ROSE AND HARTMANN!
Are you kidding me?!

Forget about Martin's baby drama, I'm going to be riding that Rose and Hartmann wave for a long, long time.
As much as I was turned off by the whole Rose storyline (probably more along the lines that I wasn't getting how it all fit in), it all came together on Deutschland86 Season 2 Episode 9 and Deutschland86 Season 2 Episode 10 with that shocker.
Rose and Hartmann. I just can't get over it.
Hartmann always came across as being somewhat western-minded especially when he presented his camping out night idea to the committee as a way to boost morale.
But how did he get connected with Rose? Could she have decided to use him to accomplish her goals after he showed her the equipment she'd be using for the mission?

I might have missed it, but he was showing her that stuff because, at that time, the South African mission was going to be funded by East Germany, right?
I didn't get the impression he was always working with Rose and Lenora independently. He never came across as that type of guy — which is one of the reasons why that reveal was so shocking!
I'm starting to believe that Rose and Hartmann were never working together until after Lenora's deal failed.
Lenora was no longer useful to Rose, and she moved on.
Hartmann was an easy target, too, just for the fact that he was so open-minded.
I can only imagine that Rose used every ounce of her charm and more to convince him to help her.
It wasn't clear if she was able to get the weapons since the ship had turned back before the raid, but I'm guessing that she somehow got hold of the weapons when she was on the dock during all the melee.
Otherwise, why would she have been there? And why would Gary Banks have shown up? He knew something funky was going on, but Rose was way ahead of him.

Hartmann and Rose may be a thing now, but once Hartmann is no longer useful, he'll just become a memory in Rose's mind.
Poor Lenora thought she had found true love and maybe even a way out of the "life", but she was wrong.
Her entire world has been turned upside down. Her only hope is that the BND will have mercy on her if she cooperates with their interrogation.
So much must be going through her head. She may have been worried about Rose, but it's probably starting to dawn on her that that dream was a little too good to be true.
She's probably also figured out that Martin is behind her current predicament.
But she shouldn't be feeling too sorry for herself, but she's got a lot to atone for. She used her nephew then left him for dead.
It was all about to come back and bite her in the ass eventually.
At least she got to jam out to Def Leppard before it all came crashing down.
Martin's plans also came crashing down.
After realizing that ripping his son away from his mother wasn't the smartest idea, he came to the conclusion that what he did to Tina and her family was basically the same thing.

And he knew it was wrong.
Martin isn't a terrible person, even though what he did was pretty horrible, but the guy wasn't thinking straight.
He was only seeing things one way and not thinking things through because he was blinded by his mission.
He never thought how he'd feel if he was ripped from his mother's arms until he saw how upset Max was.
And of course, his mother provided some great insight, too, as mothers usually do.
He needed to make things right, and Martin being Martin, he figured out how he could solve two wrongs.
I'm surprised that Annett even went along with his plans, but she knew if Martin took Max she'd never see him again.

And she also knew that her denial of Tobias' prisoner exchange deal was done purely out of spite.
She also got a small taste of what it felt like to be away from your child and not know if you'd ever see him again.
Although she'd never admit it, that feeling helped move her to go along with Martin's plans.
While Martin never thought in a million years he'd ever end up back with Annett, he also realized that sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
He didn't want Max to grow up without a dad as he did so giving up Brigitte to stay in East Germany was an easy decision.

But if I was Martin, I'd be looking over my shoulder. I don't think Brigitte was kidding when she told Martin she'd kill him if he didn't run off with her.
Now that Frank has been killed, she really has nothing else to do with her life or her time. She gave everything up for Martin, and she's not going to just let him walk away, no matter his reasons.
Everything came together with Alex's storyline. While he might have been in the background most of the season, his speech at the AIDS rally helped shake the stilts East Germany is propped up on in a big way.
He always wanted to make an impact and now he has even if he doesn't realize it yet.
Dietrich: Thank God we don’t have gay men in this country.
🔗 permalink: Thank God we don’t have gay men in this country.
Alex definitely made an impression on Tobias because he never would have came out as a gay man and shared his AIDS diagnosis at the rally.
The world is changing for many of our characters.
Who's going to hop on the train and who's going to fall behind?
Deutschland89 can't come soon enough!

21 Mentors With Feet of Clay
Over to you!
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