Soap operas are supposed to be an escape, and right now, people need that.
Sadly, Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24 promise the beginning of a heartbreaking storyline, with more on the way.
Bill Hayes passed away last January, and DAYS films so far in advance that we’re first getting to the beginning of the end of Doug’s life now. Fortunately, there’s some good news coming to balance out this heavy story.

Doug’s Beautiful Send-off Will Be Made Even Harder Because Of Drake Hogestyn’s Death
Time can play cruel tricks, and one of the cruelest is that Drake Hogestyn passed away only a month before the scheduled send-off and tribute to Bill Hayes.
Days of Our Lives fans have been in a state of mourning since September 28, and John’s exit story started this past week, on the same day that Doug’s did.
Maggie also was mourning Victor again, as it would have been their anniversary, which also makes this incredibly hard.
How cruel death and the passage of time have been to take all these legendary actors and characters from us so close together!
It’s not ALL happening yet, but Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24 move us toward Doug’s death, so be sure to have your tissues ready.

Julie Tells JJ The Truth About Doug’s Condition
I’m glad JJ is still in the picture. It comforts me to have my favorite character back, even if it’s under these circumstances.
According to Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24, Julie will tell him the truth about Doug’s health.
She told Maggie that Doug had a cold and was “feeling down” about Fake Abigail, but obviously, that wasn’t the whole story.
Doug likely has some sort of illness that Julie has been keeping private. Future spoilers say that he will die in his sleep, hopefully peacefully.

I’m glad that Julie is confiding in JJ. For some reason, two different sets of writers have insisted on pushing JJ to the sidelines even with issues related to his family, as if he’s not really part of them.
That was never the case for Doug and Julie. They always treated JJ like a valuable member of the family, which is as it should be.
The fact that Julie confides in him reminds me that Doug once told JJ that when he and Julie were gone someday, he wanted JJ and Abigail to carry on the Christmas traditions and JJ promised he would.
I hope that comes up this Christmas, which will be the first one without Doug and John. I want to see JJ keep that promise!

Days of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 11-11-24 Promise More Body and Soul Nonsense, But It’s Almost Over
Hang in there, everyone.
We just have to endure a little bit more of this stupid Body and Soul storyline. The new writing team’s shows begin airing in April, and they are winding down this silly story.
In the meantime, this week, we have more of this unnecessary Johnny jealousy storyline. He’s the only one who cheated and he knows now that Chanel was not unfaithful to him, yet he’s still going to be uncomfortable with the love scene Chanel and Alex have to film.
Come on! Can we not repeat this ridiculous beat so soon after Johnny was SO cruel to Chanel over what he thought was happening?
She deserves better.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24 also promise more of Johnny feeling guilty about his one-night stand with Joy.
Joy will be nervous about the secret coming out, while Johnny will debate whether to tell it.
First of all, I don’t understand why every Salem citizen with a secret forgets that secrets always come out in some horrible way.
Just once, I’d like someone to get ahead of the coming storm by telling the truth and letting the chips fall where they may.
That may be too much to ask of this show, but I’m asking anyway.
I’m over this business of people “thinking” about confessing and “agonizing” over keeping secrets, then doing nothing about it until it all blows up in their faces.
The worst part of this is that it’ll totally ruin any goodwill anyone in Salem has for Joy. Their wrath SHOULD be reserved for Johnny, but it won’t be.

Hopefully, they BOTH decided to sleep together — we don’t need any dubious consent issues on top of this.
That makes them both guilty of sleeping together when Johnny was married to someone else and not in an open relationship.
However, Johnny decided it was okay to cheat on Chanel because he believed she was cheating on him.
Joy, while not blameless, was new in town and didn’t know anything more than what Johnny told her, which was that he was alone because his wife was a cheating bitch.
I hope I’m wrong and that, for once, we don’t employ a double standard where the woman is treated like a pariah, and the man’s life just goes on after a cheating incident.

I also hope that Joy isn’t so embarrassed or ostracized that she goes back to New York, never to be seen again.
I like Joy. She’s a legacy character who never got a real story, and she deserves a better one than sleeping with a married man and then being run out of town.
With new writers coming, there is some hope we’ll get that, but it’s hard to trust after all the horrible, ugly ways characters like Joy have been treated on Days of Our Lives over the years.
Two Love Triangles In The Black Family
Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24 promise more Holly/Tate/Sophia action… and what looks like the start of a new love triangle with Kristen/Brady/Ava.

The Ava/Kristen stuff just makes me yawn. Sorry if you’re a fan of either of these ships. I just can’t get into them.
This triangle means Brady gets to choose between two supposedly reformed (we know in Kristen’s case it’s BS) bad girls, both of whom have done unforgivable things to his family in the past (and dated John, too!)
Kristen has tried to kill Brady’s stepmother on numerous occasions and used to be married to John.
John dated Ava once in the hopes of getting back a memory disk she was holding hostage so that he could remember who he was.
Why should we root for Brady to be with either of these women?

The Holly/Tate/Sophia story is interesting because it’s a typical teenage drama, both on TV and in real life.
Teenagers’ emotions are set on max volume all the time, and something like the guy you like being more interested in your best friend seems like the end of the world to kids this age.
It’s hard to know who to root for in this situation. Holly did stupid things that got Tate in trouble and then did more stupid things that got herself in trouble, while Sophia is a schemer and liar.

These choices are almost as good as the ones Brady has.
Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 11-11-24 say that Sophia will confront Tate and insist he be honest about how he feels.
As annoying and schem-y as she is, Sophia has enough self-respect not to be someone’s consolation prize.
I give her a lot of credit for that, especially considering how many adults in Salem haven’t figured out that life lesson.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 11-11-24 Say There Is Trouble Ahead For Rafe and Jada
I’m intrigued.
Not by the idea of Rafe and Jada experiencing trouble in paradise. .That’s a given for a new soap couple.
However, the spoiler says Paulina throws them for a loop, and I’m not sure what that’s about.
The only thing I can think of is that Paulina decides she’d rather Jada remain Commissioner of Police than give Rafe his job back.
That would make a lot of sense, actually. Jada is far better at her job than Rafe is.
Still, I can’t help thinking it’s something bigger than that, perhaps something having to do with Vivian’s arrest and whatever manipulations she’s employing to get herself out of trouble.

Over to you, Days of Our Lives fanatics.
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Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekday mornings at 6/5c.
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